Pepani, koma malonda onse a matikiti atha chifukwa chochitika chatha.
  • Fundamentals for RR - Wayne Smith
     Epulo 13, 2024
     10:30 am - 11:30 am

Zofunikira pa Reactive Rover : chofunikira pagulu la Reactive Rover

Kodi galu wanu amawuwa, kukoka, kulumpha ndi kulumphira pa agalu ena? Ngati mukugwedeza mutu, ndiye kuti Reactive Rover ndiye kalasi yanu ndi mwana wanu. Muphunzira luso loyendetsa mozemba, kuyang'ana ndi chidwi, kasamalidwe ka leash komanso momwe mungathandizire galu wanu kupanga zisankho zabwino.

NOTE: Our Academy of Dog Reactive Rover classes have been updated to meet the needs of our students. Fundamentals is four weeks and Reactive Rover is six weeks. The instructors ask that you sign up for both levels to ensure that you and your pup complete a full Reactive Rover experience.(Do not sign up for Fundamentals and Reactive Rover for the same dates.) You will join Fundamentals first. Once you complete that course, you will continue on to Reactive Rover. The classes are designed to build on each other.

*Gululi siloyenera kwa agalu omwe amawonetsa nkhanza kwa anthu. Chonde imelo kuti mupeze thandizo lina.

**Sabata yoyamba ndi yovomerezeka yolowera POPANDA galu wanu.

Tsatanetsatane wa Mkalasi:

  1. Kalasi iyi ndiyofunikira ku Reactive Rover
  2. Series kutalika: 4 masabata
  3. Mphindi 60 pa kalasi
  4. Price: $ 150
  5. Mauthenga Abwino:

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