Telepon Acara: (707) 577-1902 x276

Hapunten, tapi sadaya penjualan tiket parantos réngsé kusabab acarana parantos kadaluwarsa.
  • Afternoon on the Farm Spring/2021
     7 April 2021 - 12 Méi 2021
     3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Ngarasakeun hawa seger jeung kagiatan leungeun dina fun kaeusi Sore on the Farm! Diajar sadayana ngeunaan rupa-rupa sato peternakan anu saé nalika urang piaraan, sikat, tuang sareng nikmati! Dengekeun kalde braying, munching babi jeung embe luncat! Diajar kumaha kadaharan cageur tumuwuh sarta disiapkeun sarta meunang siap gulung nepi sleeves anjeun sarta ilubiung dina sababaraha ngebon! Kasenangan, hawa seger, sato peternakan sareng ngebon mangrupikeun kelas ieu!

kaping: Wednesdays, April 7th - 12 Méi

waktos: 3: 30 - 5: 00 pm

kids: 3rd – 5th Grades

Class size is extremely limited so register today!

We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of the class. In addition, we are ensuring that there are only 8 participants in each session. Children will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination and we will also be conducting temperature checks on your child at the time of check-in.

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