  • Scenting - Wayne Smith
     11 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日
     下午 6:30 - 晚上 8:00

Are you looking for a fun activity and elective class to do with your dog?

Try K9 Nose Work! We are starting a four-part Nose Work series of classes with Wayne Smith.

The first class is Intro to Scenting.
Stay tuned for future classes in the series.

**Your dog must be crate trained. This class requires that your dog be in their crate when he/she is not working. Please provide your own crate.


  1. Prerequisites: SOPR Orientation Webinar
    It’s Elementary Level 1 OR Reactive Rover Level 1
  2. 系列长度:6 周
  3. 每节课90分钟
  4. 价格:$ 250
  5. 联络资料: 狗训练@ humanesocietysoco.org
