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  •  7 de xaneiro de 2021 - 11 de febreiro de 2021
     11:45 - 12:45

Intermediate Training and Manners – LEVEL 1

Date: Thursday, January 7 – February 11

Hora: 11:45 – 12:45 pm

Profesora: Sue McGuire

Location: Training Room (only 1 person per dog, no exceptions)

Enderezo: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407

Are you wanting to take your training to the next level? Does your dog need a little more then what basic training could provide? Are you looking to use your dog as an emotional support animal or volunteer with our Animal Assisted Therapy program? Previously known as Companion Dog 2, Intermediate Dog Training and Manner will be the difference between your dog learning the fundamentals of training versus mastering life skills like loose leash walking, polite introductions, long duration sit/wait, learning hand signals and more. Intermediate Dog Training and Manners will help prepare you to take the next level of training and help you become more confident with your dog, creating an even stronger bond between human and canine. Must complete Basic Training and Manners, Companion Dog 1, Small Dog 1 (or equivalent) to enroll in this class. Please see class requirements below.

Detalles da clase:

  1. Duración da serie: 6 semanas
  2. 1 hora de duración por clase
  3. Custo: $ 150

Requisitos da vacina:

  1. As vacinas deben estar actualizadas
    1. Vacinas necesarias
      1.  Menores de 1 ano:
        1. Polo menos 2 series de DHPP
        2. Vacina contra a rabia (se ten máis de 6 meses)
      2. Máis de 1 ano:
        1. Proba do último reforzo DAPP
        2. Rabia actual
    2. Póñase en contacto connosco se ten algunha dúbida ou dúbida sobre as vacinas necesarias

Información De Contacto:

    1. Chamar: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Deixe unha mensaxe, as chamadas serán devoltas dentro de 24-48 horas)
    2. Chamada/Texto: 602-541-3097 (se precisa asistencia inmediata)
    3. E-mail:

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