Tine urombo, asi kutengeswa kwematikiti ese kwapera nekuti chiitiko chapera.
  • Zvinokosha zveRR - Wayne Smith
     Kubvumbi 13, 2024
     10:30 am - 11:30 am

Zvinokosha zveReactive Rover: chinodiwa kune Reactive Rover kirasi

Imbwa yako inohukura, kudhonza, kusvetuka uye kunyura kune dzimwe imbwa here? Kana iwe uri kugutsurira musoro wako, saka Reactive Rover ndiyo kirasi yako neyemwana wako. Iwe unozodzidza hunyanzvi mune evasive maneuvers, kutarisa uye kutarisisa, leash manejimendi pamwe nekubatsira imbwa yako kuita sarudzo dziri nani.

NOTE: Our Academy of Dog Reactive Rover classes have been updated to meet the needs of our students. Fundamentals is four weeks and Reactive Rover is six weeks. The instructors ask that you sign up for both levels to ensure that you and your pup complete a full Reactive Rover experience.(Do not sign up for Fundamentals and Reactive Rover for the same dates.) You will join Fundamentals first. Once you complete that course, you will continue on to Reactive Rover. The classes are designed to build on each other.

*Kirasi iyi haina kukodzera imbwa dzinoratidza hukasha kuvanhu. Ndapota email dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org kuti uwane rumwe rubatsiro.

**Vhiki rekutanga nderekutenderwa kutungamira PASINA imbwa yako.

Zvinyorwa zveKirasi:

  1. Iyi kirasi ndeye-inodiwa kuReactive Rover
  2. Series urefu: 4 mavhiki
  3. Maminitsi 60 pakirasi
  4. Price: $ 150
  5. Bata Info: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org

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