April 30, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Tuesday, July 13 – August 3 at 5:15pm with Lynnette Smith

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 30, 2021

Kinderpuppy: Saptu, 5 Juni - 26 Juni di 9:00 am kalawan Ulli Bodas

Lingkungan diajar anu aman sareng pikaresepeun pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anak anjing anjeun bakal ngembangkeun kaahlian sosialisasi anu penting sareng anak anjing sanés sareng manusa. Ngaliwatan kaulinan sarta latihan gampang, anjeun bakal ngamekarkeun kaahlian dasar kayaning diuk, datang, go-to-mat, sarta dimimitian leash-leumpang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa hadir kelas. Rincian Kelas: Prasyarat: Puppy Webinar Series Panjangna: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 30, 2021

Reactive Rover Level 1: Friday, May 28 – July 2 at 6:00pm with Wayne Smith

Naha anjing anjeun ngagonggong, narik, luncat sareng ngaluncat ka anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 30, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 2: Wednesday, July 7 – July 28 at 6:30pm with Lynnette Smith

Teruskeun sareng padamelan hébat anu anjeun lakukeun di Level 1, nambihan jarak, durasi, sareng gangguan kana palajaran. Prasyarat: Ieu Tingkat SD 1 (Diperlukeun anjeun ngalengkepan kelas ieu sateuacan ngahadiran Tingkat Dasar 2) Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi SPOR: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 23, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Tuesday, May 4 – May 25 at 6:30pm with Lynnette Smith

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 23, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 2: Tuesday, June 1 – June 22 at 5:15pm with Lynnette Smith

Teruskeun sareng padamelan hébat anu anjeun lakukeun di Level 1, nambihan jarak, durasi, sareng gangguan kana palajaran. Prasyarat: Ieu Tingkat SD 1 (Diperlukeun anjeun ngalengkepan kelas ieu sateuacan ngahadiran Tingkat Dasar 2) Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi SPOR: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 23, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Wednesday, June 2 – June 23 at 6:30pm with Lynnette Smith

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 21, 2021

Reaktif Rover 1 - Saptu, 27 Maret - 1 Méi jam 10:30 sareng Wayne Smith

10:30-11:30 Naha anjing anjeun ngagogog, narik, luncat, sareng ngaluncat ka anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 16, 2021

Turunkeun Puppy Play: Saptu, 22 Mei - 12 Juni jam 1:00 sareng Lynnette Smith

(Anak anjing di handapeun umur 16 minggu) Salila jaman Covid-19, jarak sosial ngajantenkeun anak anjing hésé pikeun sosialisasi sareng anjing sareng manusa sanés. Kusabab sosialisasi awal mangrupikeun konci pikeun karaharjaan anjing anjeun, HSSC parantos nyiptakeun kelas khusus ieu. Leupaskeun anak anjing anjeun pikeun diawaskeun ulin jeung anjing séjén, balik ngalakukeun hiji errand atawa meunang sacangkir kopi, lajeng datang deui opat puluh lima menit engké nyokot anak anjing anjeun capé, senang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa ngiringan kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Lokasi: Santa Rosa, Ruangan Multi-Tujuan di Pintu Utama Panyumputan
April 16, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Saptu, 8 Mei - 29 Mei jam 10:15 am sareng Bonnie Wood

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 16, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Tuesday, April 27 – May 18 at 5:15pm with Lynnette Smith

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 16, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Kemis, 20 Mei - 10 Juni jam 6:15 sareng Bonnie Wood

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 16, 2021

Drop-off Puppy Play: Thursday, May 6 – May 27 at 5:15pm with Kate Rosenthal

(Anak anjing di handapeun umur 16 minggu) Salila jaman Covid-19, jarak sosial ngajantenkeun anak anjing hésé pikeun sosialisasi sareng anjing sareng manusa sanés. Kusabab sosialisasi awal mangrupikeun konci pikeun karaharjaan anjing anjeun, HSSC parantos nyiptakeun kelas khusus ieu. Leupaskeun anak anjing anjeun pikeun diawaskeun ulin jeung anjing séjén, balik ngalakukeun hiji errand atawa meunang sacangkir kopi, lajeng datang deui opat puluh lima menit engké nyokot anak anjing anjeun capé, senang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa ngiringan kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Lokasi: Santa Rosa, Ruangan Multi-Tujuan di Pintu Utama Panyumputan
April 16, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Kemis, 20 Mei - 10 Juni jam 5:00 sareng Bonnie Wood

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Rebo, 14 April - 5 Mei jam 5:15 sareng Lynnette Smith

5:15pm - 6:15pm Diajar bersantai tur connect with anjing Anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Kinderpuppy Level 1: Saptu, 17 April - 8 Mei jam 2:15 sareng Tala Davis

Lingkungan diajar anu aman sareng pikaresepeun pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anak anjing anjeun bakal ngamekarkeun kaahlian sosialisasi anu penting sareng anak anjing sanés sareng manusa. Ngaliwatan kaulinan sarta latihan gampang, anjeun bakal ngamekarkeun kaahlian dasar kayaning diuk, datang, go-to-mat, sarta dimimitian leash-leumpang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa hadir kelas. Rincian Kelas: Prasyarat: Puppy Webinar Series Panjangna: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Lokasi: Santa Rosa, Ruangan Multi Tujuan di Pintu Masuk Utama Shelter
April 2, 2021

Puppy Puppy Play: Saptu, 17 April - 8 Mei jam 1:00 sareng Tala Davis

(Anak anjing di handapeun umur 16 minggu) Salila jaman Covid-19, jarak sosial ngajantenkeun anak anjing hésé pikeun sosialisasi sareng anjing sareng manusa sanés. Kusabab sosialisasi awal mangrupikeun konci pikeun karaharjaan anjing anjeun, HSSC parantos nyiptakeun kelas khusus ieu. Leupaskeun anak anjing anjeun pikeun diawaskeun ulin jeung anjing séjén, balik ngalakukeun hiji errand atawa meunang sacangkir kopi, lajeng datang deui opat puluh lima menit engké nyokot anak anjing anjeun capé, senang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa ngiringan kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Lokasi: Santa Rosa, Ruangan Multi-Tujuan di Pintu Utama Panyumputan
April 2, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Kemis, 22 April - 13 Mei jam 5:00 sareng Bonnie Wood

5:00-6:00 Diajar bersantai tur nyambung jeung anjing Anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Tuesday, April 20 – May 11 at 6:15pm with Bonnie Wood

6:15-7:15pm Learn to relax and connect with your dog. When people are relaxed, dogs are relaxed, so laugh and enjoy your dog’s company as you practice your connected leash walking, recall, sit, down and much more.   Prerequisite: AOD Orientation Webinar  Class Details: Series length: 4 weeks 1 hour per class Contact Info: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Reactive Rover: Saturday, May 22 – June 26 at 9:00am with Wayne Smith

9:00am-10:00am Does your dog bark, pull, jump and lunge at other dogs? If you are nodding your head, then Reactive Rover is the class for you and your pup. You will learn skills in evasive maneuvers, focus and attention, leash management plus how to help your dog make better choices. Students are invited to repeat this class as often as desired to reach their goals. *This class is not appropriate for dogs who display aggressive behavior towards humans. Please email dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org for additional assistance. Prerequisite: None Class Description: Series length: 6 weeks 1 hour per class Contact Info: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Reaktif Rover 1: Saptu, 22 Mei - 26 Juni jam 11:00 sareng Wayne Smith

11:00-12:00 Naha anjing anjeun ngagogog, narik, luncat, sareng ngaluncat ka anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Saptu, 10 April - 1 Mei jam 10:15 sareng Bonnie Wood

Saptu, April 10-Mei 1, 2021 10:15am - 11:15am Diajar bersantai tur nyambung jeung anjing Anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
April 2, 2021

Kinderpuppy Level 1: Saptu, 1 Méi - 22 Méi jam 9:00 am sareng Ulli White

Lingkungan diajar anu aman sareng pikaresepeun pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anak anjing anjeun bakal ngamekarkeun kaahlian sosialisasi anu penting sareng anak anjing sanés sareng manusa. Ngaliwatan kaulinan sarta latihan gampang, anjeun bakal ngamekarkeun kaahlian dasar kayaning diuk, datang, go-to-mat, sarta dimimitian leash-leumpang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa hadir kelas. Rincian Kelas: Prasyarat: Puppy Webinar Series Panjangna: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Harga: $100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Lokasi: Santa Rosa, Ruangan Multi Tujuan di Pintu Masuk Utama Shelter
April 2, 2021

Tingkat SD 1: Saptu, 10 April - 1 Mei jam 9:00 sareng Bonnie Wood

10 April - 1 Méi 2021 9:00am-10:00am Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Prasyarat: Rincian Kelas Webinar Orientasi AOD: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Maret 30, 2021

Rover réaktif 1: Jumaah, 9. April - 14 Méi di 5:00 kalawan Wayne Smith

Jumaah, 9 April - 14 Méi, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm Naha anjing anjeun ngagonggong, narik, luncat sareng ngaluncat ka anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Maret 30, 2021

CANCELED Reactive Rover 1: Thursday, April 8 – May 13 at 5:00pm with Wayne Smith

5:00-6:00 Naha anjing anjeun ngagonggong, narik, ngaluncat sareng ngalungkeun anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Maret 13, 2021

Leupaskeun Puppy Play: Saptu, 27 Maret-17 April jam 9 énjing sareng Ulli White

Puppy Play Drop-Off (Puppies handapeun umur 16 minggu) 27 Maret-17 April 9:00 am-9:45 am Salila jaman Covid-19, jarak sosial ngajadikeun anak anjing hésé pikeun sosialisasi sareng anjing sareng manusa sanés. Kusabab sosialisasi awal mangrupikeun konci pikeun karaharjaan anjing anjeun, HSSC parantos nyiptakeun kelas khusus ieu. Leupaskeun anak anjing anjeun pikeun diawaskeun ulin jeung anjing séjén, balik ngalakukeun hiji errand atawa meunang sacangkir kopi, lajeng datang deui opat puluh lima menit engké nyokot anak anjing anjeun capé, senang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa ngiringan kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjang séri: 4 minggu, 27 Maret-17 April, 9 énjing 45 menit per kelas Harga: $ 100 Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Maret 12, 2021

Week on the Farm! Summer 2021

Get to know our alpacas, pigs, horses and over 25 other farm animals! Help harvest from our amazing gardens! Enjoy the fresh air and work that goes into running a farm! Different from our other camps, the focus of this camp is on learning while working alongside farm staff to care for over 25 farm animals and 3 acres of organic vegetable, herb and flower gardens and a fruit tree orchard.   Waitlist Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one week, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. All sessions have the same content. Policies We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Camp participants are expected to participate in all physical and academic activities. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. No cell phones allowed during camp time. Cancellation Policy Please note, because of the small size of our sessions a 50% refund will be issued up until one week prior to the first day. After this date, there will be no refunds. Questions? Please contact Kathy Pecsar at (707) 577-1902 or kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org.
Maret 12, 2021

Animal Adventure Camp! Summer 2021 Healdsburg

NEW THIS YEAR! Come check out the Healdsburg Humane Society! Two weeks only so register soon! Meet dogs, cats, reptiles and more! Enjoy educational presentations from animal experts including a Registered Veterinary Technician, Cat Behavior Expert, Animal Control Officer, Animal Care Technician, Foster Coordinator, Intake Coordinator, Shelter Manager and more! Create enrichment items for our shelter animals to improve their time while here, learn the pathway to adoption and more! Enjoy our Animal Assisted Therapy Dogs! Read to our awesome shelter cats in the infamous ‘Kitty City’! Waitlist Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one week, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. All sessions have the same content. Policies We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Camp participants are expected to participate in all physical and academic activities. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. No cell phones allowed during camp time. Cancellation Policy Please note, because of the small size of our sessions a 50% refund will be issued up until one week prior to the first day. After this date, there will be no refunds. Questions? Please contact Kathy Pecsar at (707) 577-1902 or kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org.
Maret 9, 2021

Sato Adventure Camp! Usum panas 2021 Santa Rosa

Papanggih anjing, ucing, bunnies, réptil, babi, embé, kuda, alpacas, domba, llamas, pony mini, kalde sareng seueur deui! Ngarasakeun seueur presentasi anu pikaresepeun sareng atikan ti para ahli sato kalebet Dokter Hewan, Paripolah Anjing, Ahli Paripolah Ucing, Patugas Kontrol Sato, Teknisi Perawatan Sato, Koordinator Foster, Koordinator Intake, Manajer Panyumputan sareng seueur deui! Jieun barang pengayaan pikeun sato panyumputan urang, diajar kaahlian pamasaran ku promosi salah sahiji sato panyumputan urang sareng diajar pangumpulan dana sareng pamekaran ku ngadamel tong sumbangan anu tiasa disimpen di sakumna komunitas urang. Ngarasakeun Anjing Terapi Dibantuan Sato kami! Baca pikeun ucing panyumputan urang Heboh! Waitlist Kusabab popularitas, kubu urang ngeusian nepi gancang. Anjeun wilujeng sumping pikeun nempatkeun ngaran anjeun dina daptar antosan online ngaliwatan kaca pendaptaran camp. Lamun camper didaptarkeun cancels, anjeun bakal dibere beja. Kusabab popularitas camp kami, kami naroskeun ka campers ngawatesan enrollment maranéhna pikeun hiji minggu, pikeun ngidinan campers séjén kasempetan hadir. Sadaya sési gaduh eusi anu sami. Kabijakan Kami ngalaksanakeun protokol Covid-19 anu ketat sareng meryogikeun sadayana kémping ngagem topéng pameunteu salami salami camp. Salaku tambahan, kami mastikeun yén kelompok kemah leutik supados matuh kana rekomendasi CDC. Campers bakal diperlukeun pikeun remen ngumbah jeung sanitize leungeun maranéhna pikeun ngurangan résiko kontaminasi. Staf camp bakal nyadiakeun camper anjeun kalawan suplai sorangan pikeun pamakéan salila durasi camp sarta bakal mastikeun yén sakabéh bahan anu leres sanitized unggal poé sanggeus pamakéan. Kami ogé bakal ngalaksanakeun pamariksaan suhu dina camper anjeun dina waktos check-in. Kusabab sifat bisnis urang, bakal aya paparan konstan ka sato sareng alérgina. Program pendidikan nonoman kami henteu disarankeun pikeun murangkalih / rumaja anu ngagaduhan alergi anu dikenal. Upami murangkalih atanapi rumaja anjeun terang alergi atanapi masalah kaséhatan sanés, sékrési anu ditandatanganan ti dokter diperyogikeun. Peserta camp diharepkeun ilubiung dina sagala kagiatan fisik jeung akademik. Pikeun kaamanan, campers kudu bisa nuturkeun arah, hormat ka sasama campers, staf jeung sato. Kabutuhan khusus: Mangga ngabahas naon waé kabutuhan khusus anu dipikabutuh ku anak anjeun sateuacan ngadaptar. Kusabab keterbatasan staffing, urang bisa jadi teu bisa nampung individu jeung kabutuhan husus. Campers mawa dahar beurang sarta botol cai sorangan. Aya henteu aksés ka microwave a. Taya ponsel diwenangkeun salila waktu camp. Kabijakan Pembatalan Perhatikeun, kusabab ukuran leutik sesi kami, ngabalikeun duit 50% bakal dikaluarkeun dugi ka saminggu sateuacan dinten kahiji. Sanggeus tanggal ieu, moal aya refunds. Patarosan? Mangga wartosan Kathy Pecsar di (707) 577-1902 atanapi kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org.
Maret 5, 2021

Leupaskeun Puppy Play: Saptu, 20 Maret - 10 April jam 11 sareng Tala Davis

3/20 - 4/10-21 11:00am-11:45am Salila jaman Covid, jarak sosial ngajadikeun anak anjing hésé pikeun sosialisasi sareng anjing sareng manusa sanés. Kusabab sosialisasi awal mangrupikeun konci pikeun karaharjaan anjing anjeun, Akademi parantos nyiptakeun kelas khusus ieu. Leupaskeun anak anjing anjeun pikeun diawaskeun ulin jeung anjing séjén, balik ngalakukeun hiji errand atawa meunang sacangkir kopi, lajeng datang deui opat puluh lima menit engké nyokot anak anjing anjeun capé, senang. Naon vaksinasi anu diperyogikeun pikeun kelas anak anjing? Buktina sahenteuna hiji vaksin kombinasi distemper/parvo sahenteuna tujuh dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas. Bukti vaksinasi rabies ayeuna upami anak anjing langkung ti opat bulan. Bukti vaksinasi bordetella ayeuna. Punten candak poto vaksinasi sareng email ka dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org Bukti poto vaksinasi kedah dikirimkeun ku email dua dinten sateuacan ngamimitian kelas pribadi atanapi anjing anjeun moal tiasa ngiringan kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjang séri: 4 minggu 45 menit per kelas Inpormasi Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Maret 5, 2021

Rover réaktif 1: Saptu 27. Mars - 1 Méi di 1:00 kalawan Wayne Smith

1:00:2 Naha anjing anjeun ngagonggong, narik, luncat, sareng ngalungkeun anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 00 minggu 6 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org  
Maret 5, 2021

Rover réaktif 1: 27 Mars - 1 Méi di 3:00 kalawan Wayne Smith

3:00-4:00 Naha anjing anjeun ngagonggong, narik, ngaluncat sareng ngalungkeun anjing sanés? Upami anjeun unggeuk sirah anjeun, maka Reactive Rover mangrupikeun kelas pikeun anjeun sareng anak anjing anjeun. Anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dina manuver evasive, fokus jeung perhatian, manajemén leash ditambah kumaha carana mantuan anjing Anjeun nyieun pilihan hadé. Siswa diondang pikeun ngulang kelas ieu sering-sering anu dipikahoyong pikeun ngahontal tujuanana. * Kelas ieu henteu cocog pikeun anjing anu nunjukkeun paripolah agrésif ka manusa. Mangga surélék dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org pikeun bantuan tambahan. Prasyarat: Euweuh Katerangan Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org  
Maret 1, 2021

Soré di Ladang Spring / 2021

Ngarasakeun hawa seger jeung kagiatan leungeun dina fun kaeusi Sore on the Farm! Diajar sadayana ngeunaan rupa-rupa sato peternakan anu saé nalika urang piaraan, sikat, tuang sareng nikmati! Dengekeun kalde braying, munching babi jeung embe luncat! Diajar kumaha kadaharan cageur tumuwuh sarta disiapkeun sarta meunang siap gulung nepi sleeves anjeun sarta ilubiung dina sababaraha ngebon! Kasenangan, hawa seger, sato peternakan sareng ngebon mangrupikeun kelas ieu! Kaping: Rebo, 7 April - 12 Méi Waktos: 3:30 - 5:00 pm Barudak: Kelas 3 - 5 Ukuran kelas pisan kawates jadi ngadaptar kiwari! Kami ngalaksanakeun protokol Covid-19 anu ketat sareng meryogikeun yén sadaya kémping ngagem topéng pameunteu salami salami kelas. Salaku tambahan, kami mastikeun yén ngan aya 8 pamilon dina unggal sési. Barudak bakal diwajibkeun sering ngumbah sareng ngabersihan leungeun pikeun ngirangan résiko kontaminasi sareng kami ogé bakal ngalaksanakeun pamariksaan suhu anak anjeun dina waktos dipariksa.
Pébruari 22, 2021

Online Homeschool for the Dogs: Monday, March 8 – April 12 at 4:30pm with Sue McGuire

Kids are learning at home online and your dog wants to try it out too! Our online Homeschool for the Dogs offers the same human coaching and instruction as an in-person class, but from the convenience and safety of your own home. You will learn how to observe and communicate with your dog and how to use positive reinforcement dog training. You and your bestie will learn fundamental skills like walking on a leash, recalls, sit, down, stand and much more! You will still receive one on one coaching during class plus training handouts. This is a one hour class. Participants will need to have a device that provides video conferencing. The class will be held on Microsoft’s Teams App. Prior to the start of the class, students will be provided a link to access the class live. We suggest creating a training space in your home where both human and dog can be seen during demonstrations. Class Details: Series length: 6 weeks 1 hour per class Online Platform: Microsoft Teams Contact Info: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Pébruari 11, 2021

Homeschool Online pikeun Anjing: Senén, 22 Pebruari - 29 Maret tabuh 6 sonten sareng Sue McGuire

Barudak diajar di bumi online sareng anjing anjeun hoyong nyobian éta ogé! Homeschool online kami pikeun Anjing nawiskeun asah sareng instruksi manusa anu sami sareng kelas pribadi, tapi tina genah sareng kasalametan bumi anjeun nyalira. Anjeun bakal diajar kumaha pikeun niténan sareng komunikasi sareng anjing anjeun sareng kumaha ngagunakeun latihan anjing tulangan positip. Anjeun sareng sahabat anjeun bakal diajar kaahlian dasar sapertos leumpang dina tali, ngelingan, diuk, turun, nangtung sareng seueur deui! Anjeun masih bakal nampa hiji-hiji asah salila kelas ditambah handouts latihan. Ieu kelas hiji jam. Pamilon kedah gaduh alat anu nyayogikeun konperénsi pidéo. Kelas bakal dilaksanakeun dina Microsoft Teams App. Sateuacan ngawitan kelas, murid bakal dipasihan tautan pikeun ngakses kelas langsung. Kami nyarankeun nyiptakeun rohangan latihan di bumi anjeun dimana manusa sareng anjing tiasa ditingali nalika demonstrasi. Rincian Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 minggu 1 jam per kelas Platform Online: Info Kontak Tim Microsoft: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org
Januari 8, 2021

It’s Elementary Level 1: Santa Rosa, Wednesday, January 12 – February 2 at 5:15pm with Lynnette Smith

Diajar bersantai sareng nyambung sareng anjing anjeun. Nalika jalma rileks, anjing rileks, janten seuri sareng nikmati perusahaan anjing anjeun nalika anjeun latihan leumpang tali anu nyambung, ngelingan, diuk, turun sareng seueur deui. Rincian Kelas: Prasyarat: Webinar Orientasi SOPR (bakal disayogikeun ka mahasiswa anu kadaptar sateuacan mimiti kelas) Panjangna séri: 4 minggu 1 jam per kelas Harga: $100 Info Kontak: dogtraining@humanesocietysoco.org PLEASE CATETAN: Minggu mimiti kelas nyaeta orientasi WAJIB. (bawa anjing anjeun)
November 28, 2020

** DIBATALkeun ** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun: Saptu, 16 Januari - 20 Pebruari @ 10:30 sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 16 Januari - 20 Pebruari Waktos: 10:30 - 11:30 Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Pelatihan: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna katelah Anjing Pendamping 1, Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tata krama mangrupikeun kelas 6 minggu interaktif anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 28, 2020

** DIBATALkeun ** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun: Saptu, 16 Januari - 20 Pebruari @ 8:00 sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 16 Januari - 20 Pebruari Waktos: 8:00 - 9:00 Instruktur: Sue McGuire Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Pelatihan: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna katelah Anjing Pendamping 1 , Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama mangrupikeun kelas minggu 6 interaktif anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Tiap palatih téh saeutik béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 28, 2020

**CANCELLED**Kinderpuppy Training: Wednesday, December 9 – January 13 @ 4:00 pm with Bonnie Wood

Kinderpuppy Training Date: Wednesday, December 9 – January 13 Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm Trainer: Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA Location: Outdoors Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Starting Out Right. A fun, interactive class that provides beginning obedience training, help and advice with puppy issues and safe, supervised puppy play time. For puppies between 10-16 weeks old on the first day of class. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be UNDER 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 27, 2020

** DIBATALkeun ** HEALDSBURG: Rover Reaktif - Tingkat 1: Saptu, 28 Nopémber - 2 Januari @ 12:00 sareng Wayne Smith

Tanggal Rover réaktif: Saptu, 28 Nopember - 2 Januari: 12:00 - 1:30 pm instruktur: Wayne Smith lokasi: Healdsburg Komunitas Room Compassionately attuned arah anjing anu réaktif atawa fearful anjing séjén. Wali jeung anjing bakal diajar kaahlian pikeun mantuan anjing maranéhanana nyieun pilihan hadé lamun Nyanghareupan anjing maranéhanana fearful atawa réaktif ka. Diajar maneuver évasive, latihan perhatian, basa awak, sareng kaahlian manajemén leash. Mantuan anjing Anjeun diajar jadi leuwih attentive ka anjeun jeung percaya diri dina kaayaan uncomfortable atawa hésé. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ulah ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Series: 6 Minggu 1.5 jam durasi per kelas Biaya: $200 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih Vaksin kedah up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 21, 2020

**CANCELLED**HEALDSBURG: Reactive Rover – Level 1: Saturday, January 23 – February 27 @ 12:00 pm with Wayne Smith

Reactive Rover Date: Saturday, January 23 – February 27 Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm Instructor: Wayne Smith Location: Healdsburg Community Room Compassionately attuned toward dogs who are reactive to or fearful of other dogs. Guardian and dog will learn skills to help their dog make better choices when faced with dogs they are fearful of or reactive to. Learn evasive maneuvers, attention exercises, body language, and leash management skills. Help your dog learn to be more attentive to you and confident in uncomfortable or difficult situations. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (do not respond to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1.5 hour duration per class Cost: $200 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be over 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 13, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan Kinderpuppy: Saptu, 21 Nopémber - 02 Januari (SKIP 12/26) @ 9:00 sareng Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA

Kaping Pelatihan Kinderpuppy: Saptu, 21 Nopémber - 02 Januari (SKIP 12/26) Waktos: 9:00 - 10:00 Instruktur: Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA Lokasi: Alamat Luar: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Dimimitian Katuhu . A senang, kelas interaktif nu nyadiakeun dimimitian latihan ta'at, pitulung sarta nasihat kalawan isu anak anjing jeung aman, diawaskeun waktu maén anak anjing. Pikeun puppies antara 10-16 minggu heubeul dina dinten mimiti kelas. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah UNDER 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 2-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 13, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun: Kemis, 19 Nopémber - 7 Januari (SKIP 11/26 & 12/31) @ 5:15 sareng Bonnie Wood

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Kemis, 19 Nopémber - 7 Januari (SKIP 11/26 & 12/31) Waktos: 5:15 - 6:15 Instruktur: Bonnie Wood Lokasi: Lokasi 2 (LUAR) Alamat: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar jeung Adab téh fun interaktif 6 minggu kelas pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canine Anjeun dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Tiap palatih téh saeutik béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 10, 2020

2nd – 4th Grade: 12/28 – 12/30 (9:00am – 3:00pm)

HSSC WINTER CAMPS UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to current public health restrictions, our 2020 Winter Camps have been postponed until Summer 2021. We so appreciate your understanding. Be on the lookout for a possible Spring Break camp, Afternoon on the Farm class and Summer camps!! Are you excited for an un-BEAR-ably good time? FELINE tired of sitting around on the computer? Looking for something a-MOO-sing to do? Then get your paws, claws and fins off of your mouse and come to the Humane Society Sonoma County Winter Camp!! In this educational camp, that is anything but BOAR-ing, you will explore many animal-related career opportunities, meet cool cats, dashing dogs, raucous reptiles, happy horses, galavanting goats, sharp sheep and many more four legged friends! Our camp offers socialization with shelter and farm animals, arts and crafts, games, and educational presentations from our amazing staff at the Sonoma County Humane Society. Learn how to communicate with cats while you read them a book, hang out with some reptiles, listen to a Veterinarian, Animal Care Technician and Animal Control Officer talk about their careers, pet and feed farm animals, watch a dog find a treat you hide and enjoy many more pawsitively wonderful activities! SESSION 2 2nd – 4th Graders 3 Days: 9am – 3pm Mon 12/28 Tue 12/29 Wed 12/30 Wait Lists Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one week, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. Both weeks have the same content. Kami ngalaksanakeun protokol Covid-19 anu ketat sareng meryogikeun yén sadaya kémping ngagem topéng pameunteu salami salami camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Peserta camp diharepkeun ilubiung dina sagala kagiatan fisik jeung akademik. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. Cancellation Policy Full refund 30 days prior to first day of camp. 50% refund 7 days prior to first day of camp. No refunds will be issued 7 days or less prior to the first day of camp.  
November 10, 2020

Session 2: Tuesday, December 29 (9:00am – 3:00pm)

HSSC WINTER CAMPS UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to current public health restrictions, our 2020 Winter Camps have been postponed until Summer 2021. We so appreciate your understanding. Be on the lookout for a possible Spring Break camp, Afternoon on the Farm class and Summer camps!! New This Year! Come check out the Healdsburg Humane Society and hang out with our cats in Kitty City, hear firsthand stories from an Animal Control Officer, hold some cool reptiles, bond with our special therapy dogs and enjoy crafts and games while learning about the different careers in animal care! SESSION 2 3rd – 5th Graders 1 Day: 9am – 3pm Tue 12/29 Wait Lists Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one day, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. Both days have the same content. We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Camp participants are expected to participate in all physical and academic activities. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. Cancellation Policy Full refund 30 days prior to first day of camp. 50% refund 7 days prior to first day of camp. No refunds will be issued 7 days or less prior to the first day of camp. Questions? Please contact Kathy Pecsar at (707) 577-1902 or kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org.  
November 7, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun: Kemis, 19 Nopémber - 7 Januari (SKIP 11/26 & 12/31) @ 4:00 sareng Bonnie Wood

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Kemis, 19 Nopémber - 7 Januari (SKIP 11/26 & 12/31) Waktos: 4:00 - 5:00 Instruktur: Bonnie Wood Lokasi: Lokasi 2 (LUAR) Alamat: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar jeung Adab téh fun interaktif 6 minggu kelas pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canine Anjeun dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Tiap palatih téh saeutik béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
November 5, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tata krama: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 9 Januari @ 8:00 am sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 9 Januari Waktos: 8:00 - 9:00 Instruktur: Sue McGuire Lokasi: Ruang Pelatihan (Ngan 1 jalma per anjing, teu aya pengecualian) Alamat: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon , Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar jeung Adab téh fun interaktif 6 minggu kelas pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canine Anjeun dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Series: 6 Minggu 1 jam durasi per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB tur dilaksanakeun ngaliwatan Vaksin Zoom kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: sahenteuna 2 runtuyan Vaksin DHPP Rabies (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami mun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 30, 2020

Session 1: Tuesday, December 22 (9am – 3:00pm)

HSSC WINTER CAMPS UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to current public health restrictions, our 2020 Winter Camps have been postponed until Summer 2021. We so appreciate your understanding. Be on the lookout for a possible Spring Break camp, Afternoon on the Farm class and Summer camps!! New This Year! Come check out the Healdsburg Humane Society and hang out with our cats in Kitty City, hear firsthand stories from an Animal Control Officer, hold some cool reptiles, bond with our special therapy dogs and enjoy crafts and games while learning about the different careers in animal care! SESSION 1 3rd – 5th Graders 1 Day: 9am – 3pm Tue 12/22 Wait Lists Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one day, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. Both days have the same content. We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Camp participants are expected to participate in all physical and academic activities. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. Cancellation Policy Full refund 30 days prior to first day of camp. 50% refund 7 days prior to first day of camp. No refunds will be issued 7 days or less prior to the first day of camp. Questions? Please contact Kathy Pecsar at (707) 577-1902 or kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org.  
Oktober 30, 2020

4th – 6th Grade: 12/21 – 12/23 (9:00am – 3:00pm)

HSSC WINTER CAMPS UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to current public health restrictions, our 2020 Winter Camps have been postponed until Summer 2021. We so appreciate your understanding. Be on the lookout for a possible Spring Break camp, Afternoon on the Farm class and Summer camps!! Are you excited for an un-BEAR-ably good time? FELINE tired of sitting around on the computer? Looking for something a-MOO-sing to do? Then get your paws, claws and fins off of your mouse and come to the Humane Society Sonoma County Winter Camp!! In this educational camp, that is anything but BOAR-ing, you will explore many animal-related career opportunities, meet cool cats, dashing dogs, raucous reptiles, happy horses, galavanting goats, sharp sheep and many more four legged friends! Our camp offers socialization with shelter and farm animals, arts and crafts, games, and educational presentations from our amazing staff at the Sonoma County Humane Society. Learn how to communicate with cats while you read them a book, hang out with some reptiles, listen to a Veterinarian, Animal Care Technician and Animal Control Officer talk about their careers, pet and feed farm animals, watch a dog find a treat you hide and enjoy many more pawsitively wonderful activities! SESSION 1 4th – 6th Graders 3 Days: 9am – 3pm Mon 12/21 Tue 12/22 Wed 12/23 Wait Lists Due to popularity, our camps fill up quickly. You are welcome to place your name on the online wait list through the camp registration page. If a registered camper cancels, you will be notified. Due to the popularity of our camps, we ask that campers limit their enrollment to one week, to allow other campers the opportunity to attend. Both weeks have the same content. Kami ngalaksanakeun protokol Covid-19 anu ketat sareng meryogikeun yén sadaya kémping ngagem topéng pameunteu salami salami camp. In addition, we are ensuring that camp groups are small in order to abide by CDC recommendations. Campers will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination. Camp staff will be providing your camper with their own supplies to use during the duration of camp and will ensure that all materials are properly sanitized each day after use. We will also be conducting temperature checks on your camper at the time of check-in. Due to the nature of our business, there will be constant exposure to animals and their allergens. Our youth education programs are not recommended for children/teens with known allergies. If your children or teen has known allergies or other health concerns, a signed release from their doctor is required. Peserta camp diharepkeun ilubiung dina sagala kagiatan fisik jeung akademik. For safety, campers must be able to follow directions, be respectful to fellow campers, staff and animals. Special needs: Please discuss any special needs your child may have prior to registering. Due to staffing limitations, we may not be able to accommodate individuals with special needs. Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle. There is no access to a microwave. Cancellation Policy Full refund 30 days prior to first day of camp. 50% refund 7 days prior to first day of camp. No refunds will be issued 7 days or less prior to the first day of camp.  
Oktober 29, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tata krama: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 9 Januari @ 9:15 am sareng Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Saturday, December 5 – January 9 Time: 9:15 – 10:15 am Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room (Only 1 person per dog, no exceptions) Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 29, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan sareng Sopan Santun: Kemis, 7 Januari - 11 Pebruari @ 11:45 sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan sareng Sopan Santun - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Kemis, 7 Januari - 11 Pebruari Waktos: 11:45 - 12:45 Instruktur: Sue McGuire Lokasi: Ruang Pelatihan (ngan 1 jalma per anjing, henteu aya pengecualian) Alamat: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon , Santa Rosa 95407 Naha anjeun badé nyandak latihan anjeun ka tingkat salajengna? Naha anjing anjeun peryogi sakedik langkung ti naon latihan dasar anu tiasa disayogikeun? Naha anjeun milarian ngagunakeun anjing anjeun salaku sato pangrojong émosional atanapi sukarelawan sareng program Terapi Bantuan Sato kami? Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 2, Pelatihan Anjing Panengah jeung Manner bakal béda antara anjing Anjeun diajar dasar latihan versus mastering kaahlian hirup kawas leash leumpang, perkenalan sopan, lila diuk / antosan, diajar sinyal leungeun jeung leuwih. Pelatihan Anjing Pertengahan sareng Tata krama bakal ngabantosan anjeun nyiapkeun tingkat pelatihan salajengna sareng ngabantosan anjeun langkung percaya diri sareng anjing anjeun, nyiptakeun beungkeut anu langkung kuat antara manusa sareng anjing. Kedah ngalengkepan Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab, Anjing Pendamping 1, Anjing Leutik 1 (atanapi sarimbag) pikeun ngadaptar di kelas ieu. Mangga tingali sarat kelas di handap. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Persyaratan Vaksin: Vaksin kedah mutakhir. tina booster DAPP panungtungan Rabies Ayeuna Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-2-6 Opt. 1 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 707 -542 jam) Telepon / Teks: 0882-6-24 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 29, 2020

**SWITCHED TO ONLINE**Basic Training and Manners: Thursday, December 3 – January 14 (SKIP 12/24) @ 1:00 pm with Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Thursday, December 3 – January 14 (SKIP 12/24) Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 26, 2020

Basic Training and Manners: Saturday, November 7 – December 19 (SKIP 11/28) @ 12:00 pm with Ulli White

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Saturday, November 7 – December 19 (SKIP 11/28) Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room (only 1 person per dog allowed to attend, no exceptions) Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 23, 2020

Basic Training and Manners: Thursday, November 5 – December 17 (SKIP 11/26) @ 11:45 am with Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Thursday, November 5 – December 17 (SKIP 11/26) Time: 11:45 – 12:45 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room (only 1 person per dog allowed to attend, no exceptions) Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 20, 2020

**DIBATALKEUN**HEALDSBURG Pelatihan Menengah sareng Adab: Minggu, 6 Désémber - 17 Januari (SKIP 12/27) @ 3:45 sareng Brian Galindo CPDT-KA

Pelatihan Menengah HEALDSBURG sareng Adab - TINGKAT 2 Tanggal: Minggu, 6 Désémber - 17 Januari (SKIP 12/27) Waktos: 3:45 - 4:45 Instruktur: Brian Galindo CPDT-KA, CGC Evaluator Lokasi: Alamat Healdsburg: 555 Westside Jalan, Healdsburg 95448 Naha anjeun badé nyandak latihan anjeun ka tingkat salajengna? Naha anjing anjeun peryogi sakedik langkung ti naon latihan dasar anu tiasa disayogikeun? Naha anjeun milarian ngagunakeun anjing anjeun salaku sato pangrojong émosional atanapi sukarelawan sareng program Terapi Bantuan Sato kami? Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 2, Pelatihan Anjing Panengah jeung Manner bakal béda antara anjing Anjeun diajar dasar latihan versus mastering kaahlian hirup kawas leash leumpang, perkenalan sopan, lila diuk / antosan, diajar sinyal leungeun jeung leuwih. Pelatihan Anjing Pertengahan sareng Tata krama bakal ngabantosan anjeun nyiapkeun tingkat pelatihan salajengna sareng ngabantosan anjeun langkung percaya diri sareng anjing anjeun, nyiptakeun beungkeut anu langkung kuat antara manusa sareng anjing. Kedah ngalengkepan Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab, Anjing Pendamping 1, Anjing Leutik 1 (atanapi sarimbag) pikeun ngadaptar di kelas ieu. Buktina dua sét tembakan sareng vaksinasi rabies ayeuna diperyogikeun. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Persyaratan Vaksin: Vaksin kedah mutakhir. tina booster DAPP panungtungan Rabies Ayeuna Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-2-6 Opt. 1 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 707 -542 jam) Telepon / Teks: 0882-6-24 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 20, 2020

** DIBATALkeun ** HEALDSBURG - Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Minggu, 6 Désémber - 17 Januari (SKIP 12/27) @ 2:30 sareng Brian Galindo

Pelatihan Dasar HEALDSBURG sareng Adab: TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Minggu, 6 Desember - 17 Januari (SKIP 12/27) waktos: 2:30 - 3:30 Instruktur: Brian Galindo Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Komunitas Healdsburg: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar sarta Tata krama nyaéta kelas 6 minggu interaktif fun pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canines dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Vaksin kedah up-to-date. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 2 bulan) Leuwih 6 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 20, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** HEALDSBURG - Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 16 Januari (SKIP 12/26) @ 9:15 sareng Brian Galindo

Pelatihan Dasar HEALDSBURG sareng Adab: TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 16 Januari (SKIP 12/26) waktos: 9:15-10:15 Instruktur: Brian Galindo Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Komunitas Healdsburg: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar sarta Tata krama nyaéta kelas 6 minggu interaktif fun pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canines dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 2 bulan) Leuwih 6 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 20, 2020

**DIBATALkeun** Pelatihan HEALDSBURG-Kinderpuppy: Saptu, 5 Désémber - 16 Januari (SKIP 12/26) @ 10:30 sareng Brian Galindo

Kinderpuppy Tanggal Pelatihan: Saptu 5. Desember - 16. Januari (SKIP 12/26) waktos: 10:30 - 11:30 instruktur: Brian Galindo lokasi: Healdsburg Multi-Tujuan Room Alamat: 555 Westside Jalan, Healdsburg 95448 Mimitian Katuhu. A senang, kelas interaktif nu nyadiakeun dimimitian latihan ta'at, pitulung sarta nasihat kalawan isu anak anjing jeung aman, diawaskeun waktu maén anak anjing. Pikeun puppies antara 10-16 minggu heubeul dina dinten mimiti kelas. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Formulir Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah UNDER 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 2-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 19, 2020

Kinderpuppy Training: Wednesday, November 4 – December 16 (SKIP 11/25) @ 5:00 pm with Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA

Kinderpuppy Training Date: Wednesday, November 4 – December 16 (SKIP 11/25) Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm Instructor: Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA Location: Outdoors Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Starting Out Right. A fun, interactive class that provides beginning obedience training, help and advice with puppy issues and safe, supervised puppy play time. For puppies between 10-16 weeks old on the first day of class. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be UNDER 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 19, 2020

Basic Training and Manners: Saturday, October 31 – December 12 (SKIP 11/28) @ 10:30 am with Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Saturday, October 31 – December 12 (SKIP 11/28) Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 15, 2020

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Salasa, 17 Nopémber - 29 Désémber (SKIP 12/22) @ 5:00 sareng Lynnette Smith

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Salasa, 17 Nopémber - 29 Désémber (SKIP 11/24) Waktos: 5:00 - 6:00 pm Instruktur: Lynnette Smith Lokasi: Lapang Agility (Lokasi 1) Alamat: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon , Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna kawanoh salaku Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar jeung Adab téh fun interaktif 6 minggu kelas pikeun ngajarkeun maneh na canine Anjeun dasar latihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan & heubeul). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Tiap palatih téh saeutik béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 15, 2020

Intermediate Training and Manners: Thursday, October 29 – December 10 (skip 11/26) @ 5:00 pm with Lynnette Smith

Intermediate Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Thursday, October 29 – December 10(SKIP 11/26) Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm Instructor: Lynnette Smith Location: Agility Field (LOCATION 1) Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Are you wanting to take your training to the next level? Does your dog need a little more then what basic training could provide? Are you looking to use your dog as an emotional support animal or volunteer with our Animal Assisted Therapy program? Previously known as Companion Dog 2, Intermediate Dog Training and Manner will be the difference between your dog learning the fundamentals of training versus mastering life skills like loose leash walking, polite introductions, long duration sit/wait, learning hand signals and more. Intermediate Dog Training and Manners will help prepare you to take the next level of training and help you become more confident with your dog, creating an even stronger bond between human and canine. Must complete Basic Training and Manners, Companion Dog 1, Small Dog 1 (or equivalent) to enroll in this class. Please see class requirements below. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Vaccine Requirements: Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 8, 2020

Healdsburg: Puppies at Play with Brian Galindo (SATURDAYS)

Puppies at Play Date: Every Saturday (registration required) Time: 2:00 – 2:45 pm Instructor: Brian Galindo Location: Healdsburg Community Room Come join us for Puppies at Play in Healdsburg! This class is for pups ages 10 – 16 weeks of age, and currently or previously have taken a class with the Humane Society of Sonoma County. These single-day events are held at out Healdsburg multipurpose room. You will learn what appropriate play looks like and strategies for management. Your puppy will learn how to play well with other pups and enjoy this fun enrichment activity. Please be aware if we the play date is causing your puppy more stress then enrichment we might ask to cut your class short. Refunds: Please note, because of the small size of the class to maintain social distancing due to COVID, there will be no refunds issued if you withdraw from the class. Class Details: 45 min – 1 hour (pending puppies tolerance) Cost: $20 Registration Required Class Requirements: MUST be current client of the training department, unless approved by Brian Galindo or Mollie Souder Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call/Text Mollie Souder: 602-541-3097 Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
Oktober 7, 2020

Afternoon on the Farm!

  Afternoon on the Farm 3rd – 5th graders Cost: $150.00 Enjoy fresh air and hands on activities at our fun filled Afternoon on the Farm! Learn all about cleaning, grooming and feeding a wonderful assortment of farm animals! Learn how healthy food is grown and prepared and get ready to roll up your sleeves and take part in harvesting! Fun, fresh air, farm animals and gardening is what this class is all about! Sessions available, please pick one Session 1: Dates: Wednesdays, October 14 – November 11 Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Session 2: Dates: Fridays, October 16 – November 13 Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Class size is extremely limited so register today! We are enforcing strict Covid-19 protocols and are requiring that all campers wear a face mask during the entire duration of the class. In addition, we are ensuring that there are only 6 participants in each session. Children will be required to frequently wash and sanitize their hands to reduce the risk of contamination and we will also be conducting temperature checks on your child at the time of check-in. Important Information: Please print, fill out and return forms upon registration to Kathy Pescar (Kpecsar@humanesocietysoco.org), please be aware these forms will be available to fill out upon arrival and can also be found on your confirmation email. Humane Society of Sonoma County – Waiver Packet Parents – Farm Class Information Sheet Refunds: Please note, because of the small size of the class, there will be no refunds issued if you withdraw your child from the class.
September 26, 2020

**CANCELLED** HEALDSBURG: Reactive Rover – Level 1: Saturday, November 28 – January 2 @ 2:00 pm with Wayne Smith

Reactive Rover Date: Saturday, November 21 – January 2 (SKIP unknown) Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm Instructor: Wayne Smith Location: Healdsburg Community Room Compassionately attuned toward dogs who are reactive to or fearful of other dogs. Guardian and dog will learn skills to help their dog make better choices when faced with dogs they are fearful of or reactive to. Learn evasive maneuvers, attention exercises, body language, and leash management skills. Help your dog learn to be more attentive to you and confident in uncomfortable or difficult situations. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (do not respond to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1.5 hour duration per class Cost: $200 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be over 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 26, 2020

Basic Training and Manners: Thursday, October 15 – November 19 @ 1:00 pm with Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Thursday, October 15 – November 19 Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: Training Room Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT: The first class is an orientation without dogs. This orientation is mandatory. Orientation for the first class will be held online. Participants will receive an invitation to join the orientation. You will need a laptop/tablet or other device in order to access the orientation. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 26, 2020

(Online) Basic Training and Manners: Thursday, October 22 – November 26 @ 6:45 pm with Sue McGuire

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Thursday, October 22 – November 26 Time: 6:45 – 7:45 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: AT HOME (ZOOM) Basic Training and Manners is  now online! This class will provide clients the same coaching and instruction as in person classes, but from the convenience and safety of your own home. This class will teach you and your canine friend the basics of building a connection that lasts a lifetime. Skills included will be how to safely use food in teaching your dog behaviors like sit, down and wait. We will also work on attention , and the beginnings of a come when called.  Clients will receive one on one coaching during class. They will also be provided supportive training materials.” The class is one hour long. Participants will need to have a device that provides video-conferencing. The class will be held on Zoom. Prior to the start of the class, clients will be provided a link to access the class live. Participants will want to create a training space in their home where the handler and the dog can be seen during demonstrations. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 26, 2020

(Online) Intermediate Training and Manners: Thursday, October 15 – November 19 @ 5:30 pm with Sue McGuire

Intermediate Training and Manners  Date: Thursday, October 15 – November 19 Time: 5:30 – 6:30 pm Instructor: Sue McGuire Location: AT HOME (ZOOM/ONLINE) For those of you who have already embraced learning online, this is your chance to take that teaching to the next level. Through a combination of virtual meetings and an online support group, participants in this class will learn how to teach their dog behaviors that allow your life together to excel. We will continue to focus on walking on a leash, building strong connections for a coming when called and teaching duration of behaviors amid a wide variety of settings. Handlers will learn to observe their dog’s behaviors and understand how to change either their teaching or the environment to allow the dog to learn with a strong foundation. Our goal is to teach behaviors that are strong, yet flexible. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 26, 2020

**CANCELLED**Connected Walking: Saturday, December 19 – January 9 *4 weeks* @ 10:30 am with Sue McGuire

Connected Walking Date: Saturday, December 19 – January 9 *4 weeks* Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Connection with our dogs is at the root of a pleasant walk and loss of that connection often creates unpleasant experiences. This class series is for people who are searching for a way to experience one of the most enriching parts of sharing life with a dog. While walking our dog is a mandatory part of living with a dog, often times what humans want and what dogs want from a walk can be in conflict. It need not be that way, if we take a closer look at the whole business of walking with our dogs and what foundation skills might be needed. Four weeks: First class is orientation without dogs. Participants will be provided supporting materials and a video presentation prior to the first class with dogs. Pre-requisite: Basic
September 26, 2020

**CANCELLED**Basic Training and Manners: Saturday, November 21 – January 02 (SKIP 12/26) @ 10:15 am with Bonnie Wood

Basic Training and Manners – LEVEL 1 Date: Saturday, November 21 – January 02 (SKIP 12/26) Time: 10:15 – 11:15 am Instructor: Bonnie Wood Location: Tan Canopy, Location 2 on map Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Previously known as Companion Dog 1, Basic Training and Manners is a fun interactive 6 week class to teach you and your canine the fundamentals of training (for dogs 4 months & older). Even for experienced handlers, starting in a beginner’s class will help your canine build confidence in you as well as in themselves. In Basic Training and Manners we will give you positive tools and guidance to teach your dog. Each trainer is a little different so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us directly with the information listed below so we can match you with the best trainer to reach your goal. If your dog is leash reactive please contact 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 to discuss other training options. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 26, 2020

Intermediate Dog Training: Tuesday, October 6 – November 10 @ 6:15pm with Lynnette Smith

Intermediate Training and Manners: LEVEL 2 Date: : Tuesday, October 6 – November 10 Time: 6:15-7:15 pm Instructor: Lynnette Smith Location: Agility Field Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Are you wanting to take your training to the next level? Does your dog need a little more then what basic training could provide? Are you looking to use your dog as an emotional support animal or volunteer with our Animal Assisted Therapy program? Previously known as Companion Dog 2, Intermediate Dog Training and Manner will be the difference between your dog learning the fundamentals of training versus mastering life skills like loose leash walking, polite introductions, long duration sit/wait, learning hand signals and more. Intermediate Dog Training and Manners will help prepare you to take the next level of training and help you become more confident with your dog, creating an even stronger bond between human and canine. Must complete Basic Training and Manners, Companion Dog 1, Small Dog 1 (or equivalent) to enroll in this class. Please see class requirements below. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Vaccine Requirements: Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG - Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab- Rebo, 28 Oktober - 9 Désémber (SKIP 1 minggu) @ 6:00 sareng Brian Galindo

Pelatihan Dasar HEALDSBURG sareng Adab: TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Rebo, 28 Oktober - 9 Desember (SKIP 1 minggu) Waktos: 6:00 - 7:00 Instruktur: Brian Galindo Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Komunitas Healdsburg: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Saméméhna katelah Companion Dog 1, Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tata krama mangrupikeun kelas interaktif 6 minggu anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 2 bulan) Leuwih 6 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

Pelatihan Kinderpuppy: Rebo, 21 Oktober- 9 Désémber (SKIP 10/28 & 11/25) @ 6:15 sareng Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA

Tanggal Pelatihan Kinderpuppy: Rebo, 21 Oktober- 9 Désémber (SKIP 10/28 & 11/25) Waktos: 6:15 - 7:15 Instruktur: Bonnie Wood CPDT-KA Lokasi: Alamat Luar: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Mimitian Katuhu. A senang, kelas interaktif nu nyadiakeun dimimitian latihan ta'at, pitulung sarta nasihat kalawan isu anak anjing jeung aman, diawaskeun waktu maén anak anjing. Pikeun puppies antara 10-16 minggu heubeul dina dinten mimiti kelas. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah UNDER 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 2-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG-Kinderpuppy Training: Sunday, October 18 – November 22 @ 2:30 pm with Brian Galindo

Kinderpuppy Training Date: Sunday, October 18 – November 22 Time: 2:30 – 3:30 pm Instructor: Brian Galindo Location: Healdsburg Multi-purpose Room Address: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Starting Out Right. A fun, interactive class that provides beginning obedience training, help and advice with puppy issues and safe, supervised puppy play time. For puppies between 10-16 weeks old on the first day of class. Please see class requirements listed below. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be UNDER 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG - Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab- Minggu, 18 Oktober - 22 Nopémber @ 3:45 sareng Brian Galindo

Pelatihan Dasar HEALDSBURG sareng Adab: TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Minggu, 18 Oktober - 22 Nopémber Waktos: 3:45 - 4:45 Instruktur: Brian Galindo Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Komunitas Healdsburg: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Saméméhna dikenal salaku Companion Dog 1 , Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama mangrupikeun kelas interaktif 6 minggu anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 2 bulan) Leuwih 6 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Saptu, 17 Oktober - 21 Nopémber @ 9:15 am sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 17 Oktober - 21 Nopémber Waktos: 9:15 - 10:15 Instruktur: Sue McGuire Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Pelatihan: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna dikenal salaku Companion Dog 1 , Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama mangrupikeun kelas interaktif 6 minggu anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

Rover’s First Class: Monday, October 12 – November 16 @ 6:00 pm with Wayne Smith

Rover’s First Class Date: Monday, October 12 – November 16 Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm Instructor: Wayne Smith Location: Agility Field Address: 5345 Highway 12 West, Santa Rosa 95407 Reactive Rover trainer, Wayne Smith, is now offering Rover’s First Class! This class will help your dog start off on the right paw. Rover’s First Class is designed keeping the Reactive Rover curriculum in mind, the goal with Rover’s First Class is to help strengthen and enhance the relationship between dogs and their humans. While the focus is on training, there will be relationship games as well information about management. This specific course strives to help the human realize what the dog is telling you with a goal of not developing unwanted behaviors or substituting a different behavior if an unwanted one has already developed. The Humane Society suggests to take Rover’s First Class prior to Basic Training and Manners so you are able to get the most out of your training class’s here. IMPORTANT Registration Information:  Once registered and paid “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information”  will be sent to your email from webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (DO NOT reply to this email). This email will go to your junk mailbox, please make sure to view the important class information as well as fill out the Class Profile Form. Contact Mollie Souder if you are unable to locate this email. Be aware “Welcome to Training! Important Class Information” will be the only email received prior to the class start date. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Class Requirements: Orientation, first class without dog, is MANDATORY Puppies must be over 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

Pelatihan HEALDSBURG-Kinderpuppy: Senén, 19 Oktober - 23 Nopémber @ 6:00 sareng Brian Galindo

Kinderpuppy Tanggal Pelatihan: Senén 19. Oktober - 23. Nopember waktos: 6:00 - 7:00 instruktur: Brian Galindo lokasi: Healdsburg Multi-Tujuan Room Alamat: 555 Westside Jalan, Healdsburg 95448 Dimimitian Katuhu. A senang, kelas interaktif nu nyadiakeun dimimitian latihan ta'at, pitulung sarta nasihat kalawan isu anak anjing jeung aman, diawaskeun waktu maén anak anjing. Pikeun puppies antara 10-16 minggu heubeul dina dinten mimiti kelas. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah UNDER 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP (Distemper / Parvo) Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 2-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG - Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Saptu, 10 Oktober - 14 Nopémber sareng Brian Galindo

Pelatihan Dasar HEALDSBURG sareng Sopan: TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 10 Oktober - 14 Nopémber Waktos: 10:30 - 11:30 Instruktur: Brian Galindo Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Komunitas Healdsburg: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Saméméhna katelah Anjing Pendamping 1 , Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama mangrupikeun kelas interaktif 6 minggu anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina diri. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. Rincian Kelas: Seri Panjang: 6 Minggu 1 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas munggaran tanpa anjing, WAJIB Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kecuali disatujuan ku palatih. Vaksin kedah up-to-date. Sahenteuna 1 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 2 bulan) Leuwih 6 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga wartosan kami lamun aya patarosan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-707-542 Opt. 0882 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 6 -24 jam) Telepon / Teks: 48-602-541 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG Intermediate Training and Manners: Saturday, October 10 – November 14 with Brian Galindo CPDT-KA

HEALDSBURG Intermediate Training and Manners – LEVEL 2 Date: Saturday, October 10 – November 14 Time: 11:45 – 12:45 pm Instructor: Brian Galindo CPDT-KA, CGC Evaluator Location: Healdsburg Address: 555 Westside Road, Healdsburg 95448 Are you wanting to take your training to the next level? Does your dog need a little more then what basic training could provide? Are you looking to use your dog as an emotional support animal or volunteer with our Animal Assisted Therapy program? Previously known as Companion Dog 2, Intermediate Dog Training and Manner will be the difference between your dog learning the fundamentals of training versus mastering life skills like loose leash walking, polite introductions, long duration sit/wait, learning hand signals and more. Intermediate Dog Training and Manners will help prepare you to take the next level of training and help you become more confident with your dog, creating an even stronger bond between human and canine. Must complete Basic Training and Manners, Companion Dog 1, Small Dog 1 (or equivalent) to enroll in this class. Proof of two sets of shots and current rabies vaccination is required. Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $150 Vaccine Requirements: Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Adab: Saptu, 10 Oktober - 14 Nopémber @ 8:00 am sareng Sue McGuire

Pelatihan Dasar sareng Sopan Santun - TINGKAT 1 Tanggal: Saptu, 10 Oktober - 14 Nopémber Waktos: 8:00 - 9:00 Instruktur: Sue McGuire Lokasi: Alamat Kamar Pelatihan: 5345 Jalan Raya 12 Kulon, Santa Rosa 95407 Saméméhna dikenal salaku Companion Dog 1 , Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama mangrupikeun kelas interaktif 6 minggu anu pikaresepeun pikeun ngajarkeun anjeun sareng anjing anjeun dasar-dasar pelatihan (pikeun anjing 4 bulan sareng langkung lami). Malahan pikeun pawang anu berpengalaman, mimitian di kelas pamula bakal ngabantosan taring anjeun ngawangun kapercayaan ka anjeun ogé dina dirina. Dina Pelatihan Dasar sareng Tatakrama kami bakal masihan anjeun alat sareng petunjuk anu positip pikeun ngajar anjing anjeun. Unggal palatih rada béda jadi lamun Anjeun keur pilari hal husus, mangga ngahubungan kami langsung jeung informasi didaptarkeun di handap sangkan bisa cocog anjeun jeung palatih pangalusna pikeun ngahontal tujuan anjeun. Lamun anjing anjeun leash réaktif mangga ngahubungan 707-542-0882 EXT. 247 pikeun ngabahas pilihan latihan séjén. Mangga tingali sarat kelas didaptarkeun di handap. PENTING: Kelas munggaran nyaéta orientasi tanpa anjing. Orientasi ieu wajib. Orientasi pikeun kelas kahiji bakal dilaksanakeun online. Pamilon bakal nampi uleman pikeun ngiringan orientasi. Anjeun peryogi laptop / tablet atanapi alat anu sanés pikeun ngaksés orientasi éta. Inpormasi Pendaptaran PENTING: Sakali didaptarkeun sareng mayar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal dikirim ka email anjeun ti webpress@humanesocietysoco.org (ULAH ngabales email ieu). Surélék ieu bakal asup ka kotak surat sampah anjeun, punten pastikeun pikeun ningali inpormasi kelas anu penting ogé ngeusian Bentuk Profil Kelas. Hubungi Mollie Souder upami anjeun teu tiasa mendakan email ieu. Janten sadar "Wilujeng sumping di Pelatihan! Inpormasi Kelas Penting" bakal janten hiji-hijina email anu ditampi sateuacan tanggal mimiti kelas. Rincian Kelas: Panjangna Runtuyan: 6 Minggu Durasi 1 jam per kelas Biaya: $150 Syarat Kelas: Orientasi, kelas kahiji tanpa anjing, WAJIB Vaksin kudu up-to-date Vaksin Diperlukeun Dina 1 taun: Sahenteuna 2 runtuyan DHPP Rabies Vaksin (lamun leuwih 6 bulan) Leuwih 1 taun: Bukti panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 24 -48 jam) Telepon / Teks: 602-541-3097 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org
September 25, 2020

HEALDSBURG: Reaktif Rover- TINGKAT 2: Saptu, 17 Oktober - 21 Nopémber sareng Wayne Smith

Réaktif Rover- TINGKAT 2 Tanggal: Saptu 17 Oktober - 21 Nopémber Waktos: 2:00 - 3:30 pm (Samentara) instruktur: Wayne Smith jeung Suzie Yokomizo lokasi: Healdsburg Komunitas Room Rincian Kelas: Panjang runtuyan: 6 Minggu 1.5 durasi jam per kelas Biaya: $200 Syarat Kelas: Anak anjing kedah langkung ti 4 bulan kacuali disatujuan ku palatih Vaksin kedah mutakhir. panungtungan DAPP booster Ayeuna Rabies Mangga ngahubungan kami lamun anjeun mibanda patalékan atanapi masalah ngeunaan vaksin diperlukeun Inpormasi Kontak: Telepon: 1-2-6 Opt. 1 (Punten tinggalkeun pesen, telepon bakal dipulangkeun dina 707 -542 jam) Telepon / Teks: 0882-6-24 (Upami anjeun peryogi bantosan langsung) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org  
September 24, 2020

Reactive Rover-LEVEL 2: Saturday, October 17 – November 21 with Wayne Smith

Reactive Rover- LEVEL 2 Date: Saturday, October 17 – November 21 Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am Instructor: Wayne Smith and Suzie Yokomizo Location: Agility Field – Santa Rosa   Class Details: Series Length: 6 Weeks 1 hour duration per class Cost: $175 Class Requirements: Puppies must be over 4 months unless approved by trainer Vaccines must be up to date Required Vaccines  Under 1 year: At least 2 series of DHPP Rabies Vaccine (if over 6 months) Over 1 year: Proof of last DAPP booster Current Rabies Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about vaccines required Contact Information: Call: 707-542-0882 Opt. 6 (Please leave message, calls will be returned within 24 -48 hrs) Call/Text: 602-541-3097 (If you need immediate assistance) Email: msouder@humanesocietysoco.org Humane Society of Sonoma County – Santa Rosa 5345 Highway 12 West Santa Rosa, CA 95407