Thank you for supporting the Community Veterinary Clinic!

Our Community Veterinary Clinic provides low-cost, subsidized veterinary care for low-to-no-income local pet owners. By providing access to care on a sliding scale, we can help local pet guardians provide life-saving care for their beloved pets. Your support helps keep these services available to pets in need.

In 2022, our CVC team logged 1,945 appointments, an increase of almost 34% from the previous year! The number of surgeries performed at the CVC has increased by almost 10%. Below are just a few of the happy tail endings to our many clinic visits. Providing subsidized care allows families to keep their beloved pets in loving homes rather than be surrendered due to financial constraints… your donations help keep animals healthy and families happy! Thank you for your generosity and support!

Community Veterinary Clinic Happy Tails

Sonoma County Humane Society on Highway 12 Santa Rosa. They are amazing people and they truly are the most caring and giving people I’ve ever seen in the veterinary field. Their mission is to spay and neuter and to help animals belonging to low income people. They really make Veterinary Care priority. I don’t know what I’d do without them. They have been a lifesaver. And literally today for my kitty Waybe. Thenk you thank you thank you! Shout out to superhero Dr. Ada, Andrea and all the wonderful people that volunteer and work there. I am so full of gratitude for you.

Audrey Ritzer

Maya and an xray of her bladder stone

Meet Maya, our brave fur friend who recently underwent a cystotomy surgery to remove a troublesome bladder stone at our Community Vet Clinic! Maya’s surgery went smoothly, thanks to the expertise of our incredible veterinary team. The anesthesia and procedure were routine, and we are delighted to share that Maya has recovered like a champ! Post-operative radiographs revealed that the stone has been completely removed, marking a successful and paw-some outcome!

Wondering how bladder stones develop? They can stem from various factors, such as diet, bacterial infections, or systemic diseases altering the pH of the bladder environment. Once precipitate starts accumulating in the bladder, it forms stones that, if left untreated, can lead to a life-threatening obstruction. If you notice changes in your pet’s behavior or suspect any health issues, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian.

Two Persian cats

Rosie has gained back nearly all the weight, and Little Shalimar is a loving and precious kitten.  In memory of all that you have done for Peaches, and all that you did to save Rosie, we thank you!



Tiny Tim the dog and his owner

Owners were unsure how little Tiny Tim injured his eye, but they knew he was in discomfort. His eye had been bulging for over 24 hours, and it was clear that immediate action was needed. However, they faced a daunting obstacle: the cost of surgery. Their beloved pet was in pain, and they needed help. That’s when Tiny Tim and his family were referred to us by their regular vet. The compassionate professionals at the Community Vet Clinic(CVC) recognized the urgency of the situation. They got Tiny Tim in the very next day, ready to provide the care he so desperately needed. In addition to Tiny Tim’s eye surgery he was also able to be neutered. Despite the discomfort he must have been experiencing, was a remarkably sweet and patient soul. His mom, understandably worried and concerned about her furry family member, was immensely appreciative of the services provided by the CVC! We’re so grateful to the Community Foundation Sonoma County for our grant which helps us subsidize veterinary services at our Low-cost Spay Neuter Clinic and CVC. Our Community Veterinary Clinic provides low-cost, subsidized veterinary care for low-to-no-income local pet owners. By providing access to care on a sliding scale, we can help local pet guardians provide life-saving care for their beloved pets.

Belle the Chihuahua with her owner

Belle is a sweet, petite 11 year-old Chihuahua who is the apple of her guardian’s eye. They’ve been together since her guardian was in the 5th grade and the pair have essentially grown up together! Earlier this month, Belle came to us in need of inguinal hernia repair and dental care. After a comprehensive oral health assessment, our dental team noted that Belle had significant dental disease: heavy calculus, severe gingivitis, a few missing teeth and decay was affecting her remaining teeth, so we set an appointment for hernia and dental surgeries. On the morning of her appointment, her owner almost cancelled Belle’s procedures because she didn’t have the funds on hand to pay the estimate. She was relieved and grateful to hear that part of Belle’s dental procedure could be covered by our grant from the Grey Muzzle Organization! Belle’s surgeries went well and her recovery from anesthesia was very smooth. Her owner appreciated the guidance around post-surgery, at-home care our team provided and has done a great job helping her precious pup heal. It’s an honor to partner with Belle’s guardian in providing veterinary care for her sweet companion. Witnessing the connection they share fills our hearts. It also fills our hearts to have the Grey Muzzle Organization right by our side helping us provide the dental care senior dogs like Belle need to live their healthiest, happiest lives. THANK YOU The Grey Muzzle Organization

Maggie the dog

Meet Maggy! Maggy’s journey began on the streets of Mexico, where she faced countless challenges and uncertainty. When Maggy first went to the CWOB wellness clinic, she carried the burden of a loud heart murmur and unsettling “crackles” in her lungs (abnormal lung sounds). The diagnosis was tough, but Maggy’s spirit was even tougher. She was showing signs of heart failure, and they knew they had to act swiftly. Their veterinary team referred her to our Community Vet Clinic for a thorough examination. She was started on heart medications, and her heart disease began to stabilize. As Maggy’s health improved, our incredible veterinary team believed she was stable enough to undergo anesthesia for a spay and to repair a large reducible umbilical hernia. Surgery went well, and Maggy recovered nicely! She will remain under the watchful eye of our Community Vet Clinic, receiving regular heart checkups and staying on her medications for the long term. That certainly gives us a reason to wag our tails! We want to express our gratitude to CWOB for their partnership, our dedicated veterinary team for their hard work and exceptional care, Maggy’s owner for their loving care of this sweet girl, and last but not least, to Maggy herself for being such a wonderful patient!

Reggie the cat, before with Lagophthalmia, and post surgery, with his eye removed.

Earlier this year, Reggie visited our Community Vet Clinic following a diagnosis of Lagophthalmia, a condition that impairs proper eyelid closure. This issue is particularly prevalent in breeds with “flat-faced” features such as Persians and Himalayans. A full eyelid closure with a normal blink reflex is necessary for the maintenance of a stable tear film and healthy ocular surface. Unfortunately, Reggie’s condition led to some secondary problems in both his eyes. Reggie was also diagnosed with a stromal corneal ulcer, which is a deep ulcer affecting several layers of the cornea, and was given a poor prognosis for healing. Although Reggie’s prognosis was given at a specialized clinic, his owners were unable to cover the costs of the required surgery there. Fortunately, we were able to intervene and provide assistance. In a remarkably short span of 48 hours, we coordinated Reggie’s surgical procedure at a cost that was manageable for his family. Thanks to the exceptional efforts of our clinic’s team and the specialized professionals who initially diagnosed Reggie, he is now on the path towards improved well being and happiness!

Utah Roach the cat

This is Utah Roach, a feline who came into out Community Veterinary Clinic earlier this year. After being receiving great care for a urinary obstruction (blockage) at another veterinary clinic. Utah spent 24 hours in our clinic, receiving IV fluids and a urinary catheter. With the expertise of our amazing team, Utah underwent a successful corrective surgery for alleviating urethral obstruction (PU) under general anesthesia. Now, he’s back on his paws, and feeling much better! Check out these post-op pics of Utah Roach listening to cat jams and eagerly waiting for pets! Thank you for trusting us with the well-being of your beloved pets. Our dedicated team is here for your furry companions, ensuring they receive the care they deserve.

Lilo, an x-ray of his stomach, and the Apple AirTag removed

Meet Lilo, the curious canine who swallowed an unexpected snack – an Apple AirTag! Lilo’s owner was hoping that this would pass naturally but lilo was not ready to give up this technological delicacy! The owner diligently kept track of the gadget’s signal, which was still associated with Lilo’s belly and knew it was time to come to the Community Vet Clinic. The initial treatment was to take xrays to find the air tag and to induce vomiting so Lilo could avoid surgery. The initial day of attempting to get lilo to vomit was unsuccessful. Lilo came back the next day for round 2 of inducing vomiting yet she still did now want to part with her high-tech meal! It was ultimately decided that surgery was the best option for removal. The airtag was successfully removed and Lilo was sent on her way! Here’s to Lilo’s health, happiness, and a future filled with safe and ordinary treats!

Nicki the cat

We first saw 18 year-old Nicki and her 16-year old sister Baby at one of our outdoor outreach clinics our Community Veterinary Clinic put on in Guerneville during Covid lockdown. Regular veterinary care had not been accessible to Niki and Baby’s owner, Henry, before due to financial constraints. We set up appointments for both Nicki and Baby to come in for routine bloodwork and diagnosed them both with hyperthyroidism – a condition that is easily treatable with medications. Recently, Nicki started having seizures every few weeks as well, and Henry called us to get her an appointment at th CVC. We started her on seizure medications, and pulled bloodwork to check her thyroid levels. She has been doing well since starting the new medications, and Henry is always so grateful that we are able to help him take care of his beloved senior cats at a cost that he can afford.

Diamond the lab puppy

Diamond, a 4 – month old labrador puppy, was hit by a car after darting through an open front door and out into the street. She suffered a shattered femur and fractured acetabulum, and unfortunately the only treatment option was amputation of her left hind leg due to the severity of the injury. Her family could not afford the cost of surgery at her regular veterinarian – they had used up their extra savings on the vet bills for Diamond’s original emergency vet visit, x-rays and pain medications after her accident. Luckily, her family veterinarian referred her to our Community Veterinary Clinic to see if we could perform the surgery at a reduced cost. We were able to get her in for surgery within a few days, were able to help her family apply for a grant to help cover the cost of surgery, and, since she was doing well under anesthesia, we were able to spay her, boost her puppy vaccines, and microchip her at the same time as her amputation surgery!

Buddy the dog

Buddy was recently adopted and diagnosed w/entropion, a condition where the eyelids roll inward and hair rubs against the eyes. His owner could not afford surgery and Buddy’s eyes were very painful. He could not open them and his owner was unable to apply medication. Our CVC performed surgery to repair both eyelids and he was neutered as well. The first picture is before surgery, and the second one was from a recent text update: “Buddy’s eyes are looking great! Thank you all so much!”

Dr. Ada with golden retriever Ada

“Pyo” is a uterine infection that can occur in unspayed dogs. It can be life-threatening and emergency spay surgery can cost thousands of dollars. Since Ada was an indoor dog and the only dog in the household, her family wasn’t worried about her becoming pregnant and had never gotten her spayed. The cost of this surgery was out of their reach so the emergency clinic referred them to us. Thanks to your support, we were able to provide care for Ada at a subsidized price. Her family was so grateful to have access to this vital resource.

Lillith the dog

Lillith was seen in our Community Veterinary Clinic for vomiting. X-rays were taken and showed a circular foreign body. She was scheduled for surgery the following day and a dime was found in her small intestine, causing an obstruction. The owner took the dime home with him and planned to punch a hole in and hang it from Lillith’s collar.

Bindi the dog

Bindi came in for a painful front paw and generalized muscle pain. She had been on anti-inflammatory pain medication, which was really helping, but her owner was having trouble affording refills of the medication and ongoing lab work needed to continue the medication.

Bloodwork and confirmatory testing led to a diagnosis of diabetes. She was started on insulin and a recent update from her owner said she is doing well!

Squeaky the dog

Squeaky was seen at our Community Veterinary Clinic for a 3-day history of vomiting and inappropriate urination. He was perky and did not seem painful or dehydrated, but a urinalysis showed that he had a urinary tract infection. He was given fluids, anti-nausea medication, antibiotics, and pain medication and was sent home with a bland diet. After a few days his vomiting had not improved so abdominal radiographs were taken, which were suspicious for a foreign body ingestion. He had surgery and unfortunately a large part of his GI tract was compromised from ingesting a very long piece of dental floss that had gotten looped around his tongue and trapped in his stomach and intestines. A significant portion of his GI tract had to be removed because there was so much damage. Fortunately, he recovered well and was eating (and pooping!) within a few days of surgery!

Ash the cat

This 4-½ year old kitty named Ash had been showing signs of a urinary blockage and his owner was unable to find a veterinarian who would perform life-saving surgery at a price she could afford. Her father passed away a week earlier and she was distraught at the thought of losing her beloved companion. Her veterinarian contacted our CVC to see if we could do the surgery if they did the initial work-up, and we said yes. They were able to stabilize Ash while keeping costs down, then Ash was transferred to us for perineal urethrostomy surgery the following day. This is a good example of how our clinic serves as a safety net and works with other area clinics to get animals the care they need at a cost their owners can afford. Ash is a 100% good boy and his owner was extremely grateful that we were able to help.

Bear the dog

Bear’s owner is a single mom who went into significant debt to treat Bear when he was diagnosed with diabetes last year. CVC staff set her up with the Royal Veterinary College Diabetes App to organize her home-monitoring of Bear’s glucose levels, which also allowed her to share the results with us. A typical high-octane heeler, Bear immediately jumped up on the window sill to watch his owner who was waiting outside while we did our exam.

Following his first visit Bear’s Mom sent us this email:

“Here is his first curve, done on May 22. It was my first time, and I’ve since learned some better tips (shake vetsulin, inject along back not scruff, correct food calories, increase insulin), so hopefully they’ll start looking better.

Thank you again SO much. I cannot express the amount of anxiety that left my chest when you said I could bring him in, and the hope that I feel now after having him seen. Thank you.“

Posie the cat

Posie the cat came in for urinary issues and recent weight gain. Blood work and a urinalysis was performed, which showed a urinary tract infection. She was given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication for pain, and is now on a diet plan!

Bear the dog

Bear was treated at our Community Veterinary Clinic for GI issues and an ear infection. He is 124 lbs of pure love, and he appreciates ‘Bear hugs’!

Little Momma the dog

Little Momma was recently seen in our CVC for having seizures. Her owner relies on her for emotional support and was very worried about Little Momma suffering. She was started on anti-seizure medication and now she’s prancing around like a whole new dog!

Broomhilda and owner

Broomhilda was referred to our CVC by a local emergency clinic for a possible pyometra (infected uterus). Her owner Sherry is homeless and could not afford to have her spayed at the emergency clinic, so we were able to take care of her. Broomhilda was spayed, microchipped, and vaccinated so that her owner can apply for housing.

Anna the dog

Anna was referred to our Community Veterinary Clinic for a pyometra, which is an infected uterus. She was very sick and needed emergency surgery, but her humans couldn’t afford surgery elsewhere. Here she is after surgery, feeling much better already!

Riley the dog

Riley came to our CVC following three days of vomiting. X-rays were taken and showed a suspected GI foreign body. He had surgery the following day and an irregular rubber object was removed, suspected to be a chewed up dog toy. This case was the first time we partnered with Sage Compassion For Animals and received grant funding to help cover the cost of Riley’s surgery.

Georgia the dog

Georgia was seen for vomiting up a hair tie, and our team knows that where there is one hair tie there are usually many! Sure enough, x-rays were taken and revealed a large bunch of hair ties in her GI tract, but they looked like they were moving through. She was rechecked the next day and they looked like they had not moved, so she was scheduled for surgery the following day. Before surgery x-rays were taken again, which showed the hair ties had moved into the colon, and we were able to pull them out rectally!

Cinnamon the dog

Cinnamon was found by her owner seven years ago abandoned under a laundry bucket near her house. She never had her spayed, and brought her to our CVC for evaluation of a small lump near one of her nipples, that turned out to be a mammary mass. She was scheduled for a mass removal and spay surgery a couple weeks later, and she was also vaccinated and microchipped. She recovered well and looked great when we saw her for a recheck exam two weeks post op.

Panzer the dog

Panzer was referred to our CVC by VCA westside, where he had been hospitalized for a urethral obstruction. He was to us for a cystotomy and neuter surgery. We were able to flush the stones in his urethra back into his bladder, and then they were surgically removed from there. He recovered well and when we saw him for a recheck the following week he was urinating well. The stones were sent to an outside lab for analysis to determine what, if any, management he will need over the long term.

Bizzy the dog

Bizzy’s owner is homeless, and she brought him to the clinic when she noticed he had acute facial swelling under the right eye, which turned out to be a tooth root abscess. We gave him antibiotics and pain medication to keep him comfortable until a dental could be scheduled. He ended up needing to have six teeth extracted. Thanks to a generous grant from DogsTrust, the cost of his dental was covered. We also updated his vaccines so that she could get into a homeless shelter, as they require proof of up-to-date vaccinations for pets.

Spoon the cat

Spoon is a 3-4 week old kitten who was referred to our Community Veterinary Clinic after being found alone in a field with her eyes crusted shut due to a severe Upper Respiratory Infection. One eye was found to be ruptured and needed surgical removal but her finder was unable to afford the surgery. Our CVC was able to get her in the same day and perform the surgery at a cost her caretaker could afford. She was started on antibiotics and was given her first FVRCP vaccine, deworming, a flea preventative (she was covered in fleas & flea dirt), and a microchip. She will come back to see us in a few months when she is old enough to be spayed through our low cost s/n clinic.

Groucho the cat

Groucho is an outdoor community cat at a women’s group home and is taken care of by the employees / residents who live there. Meliea brought her in for evaluation of a new erosive lesion on her nose. Cytology diagnosed it as a Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a type of malignant cancer that can be induced by exposure to sunlight. A procedure called “Curettage and Diathermy” was performed to remove this aggressive solar-induced skin cancer, which is very effective when the cancer is caught early.

Chewy the dog

This cute little guy Chewy was referred to our CVC by TruVet, after being seen for blood in his urine. He was diagnosed with a bladder stone but his owner could not afford surgery to have it removed. He was started on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication to keep him comfortable until we could get him in for surgery a few days later. The surgery went well and he had a single stone removed from his bladder.

Cosmo the cat

A good Samaritan brought this sweet stray kitty into the shelter who had an infected, compound fracture of a back leg. Through her microchip, we were able to reunite her with her owner, and found out she had been missing for 1.5 years! Her owner could not afford to take her to an emergency clinic, so our CVC staff came in on a Saturday to do her surgery. The badly damaged leg was amputated, and Cosmo went home to be happily reunited with her best friend, a cattle dog named Dingo.

Izzy the cat

This is Izzy, a 7-year old Persian kitty who came into our Community Veterinary Clinic as an emergency referral for a pyometra (an infected uterus). The primary course of treatment for this condition is to remove the uterus, so Izzy was spayed the same day and sent home with antibiotics and pain medication. Surgery went well and Izzy and well on her way to a full recovery.