What should I do if I can no longer keep my pet?
PLEASE NOTE: Announcement Regarding Owner Surrendered Pets
Due to current staffing shortages and the overwhelming number of animals in need, we are unable to take in owner-surrendered pets at this time. If you are in need of support, please click here for assistance options.
We still offer our guaranteed returns for animals adopted from us. Please call our Julia Wright, our Animal Intake Coordinator at (707) 542-0882 ext.267, or email her at jwright@humanesocietysoco.org.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope to resume full operations for this program in the coming months.
Before You Rehome Your Pet
We know that sometimes re-homing your pet is unavoidable, and is always a difficult decision. By providing resources and assistance, we hope to help keep your pet with the family they know and love. Before making the decision to surrender to a shelter, please consider all of your options.
Consider finding your pet another home instead of surrendering them to a shelter. It will be less stressful for your animal, allows you to play a part in uniting them with a new family, and makes additional space available for animals whose lives are immediately at risk in surrounding municipal shelters.
Please utilize our Rehoming Packet and our free Adoptions by Owner service.