Ivy is a female Doberman. She is 2 years old or possibly 3. I’m not a wealthy person
Hints why I can no longer keep her.
Also my landlord doesn’t allow dogs.
I saved her from a not so great home before.
I couldn’t leave her there with those people.
She’s not neutered but I hope for her to go to someone who can get that done for her.
I don’t want her to be used for breeding.
She’s a really good dog.
She’s a little skittish at first but she warms up pretty quickly.
She’s good with typically one other big dog.
I wouldn’t put her with any little dogs.
She’s never attacked a dog but she’s showed her teeth to little ones.
She’s good with kids that are typically 8 years old and up.
I mean we have her around kids now but she’s extremely hyper so I just wouldn’t recommend her to be around little little kids.
Ideally i believe she’s a great dog for like a couple or even a single person who actually does outdoor activities because she’s got loads of energy to burn.
Oh and the people who had her before me said that she has her shots and all that important stuff but they didn’t get the paper work from the people they got her from so you’d have to take her in and make sure she’s all good to go.
She definitely needs training as well.
She’s such a great dog though and I just really want her to go to good loving people.
You can email, call or text me. Thank you for reading.
Contact: christinapartaker2697@gmail.com or (775) 420-1555.