Adoption Happy Tails

Wilbur the bulldog adoption photo


“He is doing AMAZING! He’s already settling into his routine – eating all of his food in one go, calmly allowing us to clean his paws, sharing more and more of his personality, asking for ALL the snuggles and kisses at bedtime and all around relaxing into his new home so well💕 We are head over heels, he truly is a special one! ”

Thank you,

Benji the St. Bernard happy in his new home


Benji’s adopter Catherine (and her boyfriend) saw Benji’s photo on the website, and they drove for two hours one-way, just to come to HSSC and meet him in person. Catherine’s boyfriend grew up with St. Bernards in his family home, and now the couple were looking forward to adopting one of their very own, to enjoy a comfortable life on their spacious property.  As soon as Benji saw them standing in the courtyard, he came bounding out to greet them, and it was love at first sight for everybody.

“Hi wonderful people! Benji’s first 24h went super well! He’s in love with all the family, the chickens the cat (even if she doesn’t appreciate him much yet hahahah)! He runs a lot on the land and looks like the happiest dog 🐕💜! Here’s some pictures! We’re in love with that dude already!”

Thanks so much!

Joey the dog with friend Littlefoot in his new home


“We adopted ‘Mondale’ on July 5th 2022, and he is so happy with his sister Littlefoot and we now call him Joey! Such a cuddle, and very loyal!”

-Mary P.

Carmelita the calico cat


“We adopted our beautiful cat from the Healdsburg Shelter 3 years ago.(we renamed her “Carmelita”) We love her so much and she is definitely a lap cat! Perfect for we are a quiet couple in our golden years.
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing!!”

-Helen and Fred Steiner

Pumpkin the cat


“Hi! My husband and I adopted Pumpkin Friday afternoon. He’s been in a guest room by himself until we’re ready to introduce him to the rest of the house and our snobby Coco Chanel (who we adopted from the SR campus 6 years ago). So far, he’s doing great!!! Using litter box, eating great (shocker!) and seemingly a gentle giant. I’m in love! Please share this update and pictures with everyone who cared for and loved him at your shelter. Will update when weight loss begins, too!”


Moo-Shu the cat


“Hello, just want to share a photo of Moo-Shu. We adopted him on July 3, and after 2 months he finally is out exploring the house and letting us pet him (with purrs). Here are a pictures of him feeling relaxed in his new home.”

-The Sawyer Family

Curious George the cat with new owner


Curious George, formerly known as Joshua, went to his forever home today! He is a volunteer and staff favorite with the cutest curly tail and a grumpy little face that is seriously the cutest thing ever. We’ve been crossing our fingers for a while for his perfect human match, and our prayers were finally answered when this gentleman came in. He was looking for a sweet, loving kitty for his elderly mother to spoil and we knew just who to recommend! Our favorite old man kitty turned on the charm for his potential adopter and within minutes he knew it was forever. I watched as George curled up and made himself right at home on his new dad’s lap ❤️ We can just tell that this is going to be a fantastic match!

Curious George will be the solo furbaby in his household, with two full-time laps to enjoy. After two returns and several months here at our shelter he’s finally out getting spoiled like he’s always deserved! Happy tails, George! We’ll miss you!😄

Osha the kitten


“Hello we recently adopted a kitten from your company and I would like to say that she’s been adapting so well. We had adopted OSHA in the early of September, here are some photos I’d like to share!”

Mushroom and Phoenix the cats



My family and I adopted 2 cats from the Healdsburg campus in July, and I wanted to let you know we are so happy with them. Mushroom and Phoenix (formerly Keisha) are everything we were hoping for. Mushroom (4 year old male, grey) absolutely adores my daughter and sleeps in her bed every day. From day 1 he has loved belly rubs and being snuggled. Phoenix (2 year old female, grey tabby) is affectionate and super playful. She’s just started napping on me instead of her cat bed, which I adore. Playing with Phoenix is hilarious because she goes crazy and will do flips or whatever it takes to get the toy. Mushroom wasn’t sure what to do when Phoenix first started playing with him, but she taught him her playful ways, and now they will chase each other up and down the hall, or pounce and tackle each other. They also cuddle up and nap together, typically because Phoenix will see Mushroom sleeping, and she’ll go over to him, aggressively clean him, then flop half on top of him. He’s learned to ignore her lol and she’ll go to sleep eventually.

Thank you to everyone who helped us bring these 2 amazing fur babies home. They are both happy and thriving, and we’re thrilled they’re a part of our family.”

-Michelle, Kevin, and Kayla

Guppy and his new owner


Sweet Guppy was found as stray dog. Upon arriving we knew right away that this girl was sweet, special and oh so much fun! Unfortunately our veterinary team found that behind Guppy’s exuberant personality, she also was found to have a heart condition. She currently has no outward symptoms, but could down the road. She is doing very well on her medications and lives a happy (and very bouncy!) life. Her new mom Taffy is an experienced dog owner, and ready and willing to give Guppy the opportunity to live her best life and monitor and manage her needs. Our community members who step up for these special animals, and all shelter animals, are true humane heroes. We wish you and your new mom all the best! Cheers to Taffy and Guppy!

Squidward, now Dilli the dog


“We got Squidward now known as Dilli December 23, 2024 said to be 6 months old. We made his birthday June 21, 2023 so he just turned 1 June 21, 2024. He just had his first camping trip this past weekend. He loves the water we took him to a rover spot up in leggett and we didn’t know how he would be off leash and he thrived and did so well, same with camping at the river. He’s a very excited, attention seeking doggie and is loved by anyone and everyone that sees him. Although his flaws he loves to dig and tear up things that aren’t his toys around the house 😂😂 him and his sister 4 year old Milli who’s a Siberian husky get along great she’s definitely the boss! He was just what we needed to fit right into our family!
Thank you 😊”

-Stephanie, Dustin, Milli, and Dilli

Pixie the dog with her new owners


There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as we watched Pixie leave the shelter with her new family! The pocket-sized pittie princess had been with us for 11 months – long enough to become a staff and volunteer favorite. A four-footed track star, she even formed a running club with some of our volunteers. Together they would hit the trails with her and log her miles. Pixie wanted nothing more than love and companionship, okay, and a running buddy (or buddies!) to share her unparalleled zest for life, morning runs and endless games of keep away!

Her adopters recently sent us photos of Pixie, at rest and at play, happy and thriving. Pixie clearly wasted no time settling into her new home and we could not be more thrilled. We just had to share!

Bootsie the cat with adoption counselor Sebastion and Bootsie's new owners


Our man of the hour Bootsie has been adopted! Liz and Dion are savvy adopters who have had experience with senior cats with renal insufficiency, already knowing the meds and how to give fluids. Bootsie took no time at all finding his way into their hearts and home. They actually drove 2+ hours just to meet him!  Happy trails Bootsie!

Tater Tot the dog with her new owner


“Tater Tot is doing absolutely wonderfully – and is still named Tater Tot, as you can tell from her super cool tricked-out pink nametag 😎”


Yummy, now Olive the dog and her owner Shaina


“Hey! Just wanted to share that Olive (previously known as Yummy) is doing great. We go on hikes, to the archery range, the ocean, and she’s learned how to swim in a pool! And of course, loves a good cuddle after a long day of playing”


Mochi the cat, and Mochi playing with his puppy


“I wanted to send along a quick update on Mochi (previously called Gizmo at the shelter), who came home with me in April.

Mochi is loving life, settling in to his two high cat towers (one of which includes a window perch) and snuggling up with his favorite catnip-filled koi toy. He is an avid bug hunter and likes to playfully stalk his older kitty sister, much to her dismay. Though he’s still figuring out life with dogs, he has become very attached to his new puppy and they have little play sessions every day. Every day he becomes more and more comfortable venturing out of his room and exploring the house.

Mochi is an incredibly sweet and gentle kitty, and it’s been amazing to see him grow and flourish. Even his hair has filled out in the past three months, and in addition to his adorable sideburns he now sports a full neck ruff (with some serious Maine Coon vibes)!

Thank you for caring for him during his stay at the shelter, and helping me bring this precious guy home.”

– Caroline

Rosie the cat


“A few weeks ago I adopted Rosie and wanted to reach out to let you know that she is truly living her best life.

Almost immediately after bringing her home she came out of her shell and was desperate to explore the house and meet everyone. It was like she was a new cat entirely. She spent the first night nuzzling my head and face (seriously, the entire night!) and made biscuits all over the bed. She’s continued to be the sweetest and most affectionate cat, and has become quick friends with my other cat, Mochi. If she isn’t running around the house wreaking havoc with Mochi all night, she’s sleeping on my pillow next to my head. She loves to sit on my lap while I work and make frequent appearances during my meetings which everyone loves. She’s so quirky and funny and sweet, and I adore her!

Thank you so much for helping me find the perfect addition to our home!”


Patches the cat



I adopted patches just over 2 years ago. I promised I’d give you guys updates, so here you are.

We actually found out from the vet that he’s a boy! So we’re very happy to have our furry son running around. He’s still super sweet and loving. He’s fully come out of his shell – for not only me, but my lovely girlfriend/his adoptive mother. We’ve had our ups and down with him, including gum surgery and urinary crystals, but right now he’s a chunky little man who loves to yell when he wants pets.

When I first got Patches, I was worried he wouldn’t open up to me. It took months for him to even get out from under my bed. But now, 2 years later, he is my little man. He greets me when I wake up, and he says goodnight when I go to bed. I love him so much, and I know you guys did too. Thank you for letting me take him home with me.”


Raven the dog


Sweet raven was adopted on Sunday. She now has 2 big sisters and a big brother (not pictured) at home to give her all the love. Wish the photo of Raven was better, but if you met her, you know she’s a blurr most of the time!

Tripp the dog


Bruce a.k.a. Tripp arrived at HSSC as a stray with his brother Wayne. We don’t know what kind of mischief the pair got into before they came to us, but Wayne arrived with scratches on his face and Bruce had a broken leg. Bruce’s leg injuries were so extensive that his front right leg needed to be amputated. His surgery was a success and he adapted readily to life on three legs! In no time at all he was adopted into a loving home! We knew it wouldn’t be long, who could resist those cute teef?

“Tripp is doing well. Here are some of the latest photos. He is still trying to figure out what to do with his new little sister. She has a lot of energy. 😁”

– Dana

Bubs the dog


Our sweet boy Bubs (Cornbread) found his home today! The family is an amazing fit for him, he already has a spot in their bed at night 😸❤️ Yay Bubs!!

Peanut and Chocolate the kittens


“You had asked to send photo updates of peanut and chocolate from our adoption last week in Healdsburg. They are doing great, chasing, wrestling all over the house, snuggling and watching the world through all of the windows and sliding doors. They are very happy. Thank you again.”


Rowdy the dog with his new parents at the shelter on his adoption day


Rowdy was first transferred to us nearly a year ago and had been waiting so patiently for his people. His new parents had a super soft spot for a large senior dog looking for a home, and knew they couldn’t leave without him. This big guy deserves the best! Yay Rowdy!!

“Hello all,

Just wanted to reach out and give you guys an update on Mr. Rowdy. Well, where can I start? He has been the sweetest and most gentle giant. He has warmed up to us and the house pretty well. He has been staying home with mom and has not been alone for no longer than mom being busy switching laundry or using the restroom. Even then he has become a full time shadow for mom. Half an hour has been the max he has been alone in the house while we got to gardening outside, not far away at all. We got creative and set up a puppy cam for him and we can speak to him if he needs reassurance. He enjoys going outside as long as mom and dad are in close sight. Rowdy got smart taking his meds and began breaking apart the cheese and separating the meds, once again we got created and we switched up the snacks when we gave him his medication so it’s always a new snack. We are grateful he came into our lives and has been a great companion. We will definitely stay in contact and update you all. We are looking forward to his 9th birthday soon. ☺️♥️ ”


Adela, now Ella, and her mom Shelley


Her new mom Shelley was in love the first time she saw her picture. After moving to the area, she knew she was ready to give a senior dog some love. Luckily Adela is perfect and charms her way into everyone’s heart. Congratulations Adela!

Kookie the white rabbit with her new owners on adoption day at the shelter


Just as the name might imply, Kookie is as sweet as they come. Kookie came to us from an animal shelter in San Francisco. She must have been someone’s beloved house rabbit because she is all about pets and snuggling. Kookie’s adopters are looking forward to embracing the House Rabbit lifestyle, crumbs and all!!

Stevie Nicks the cat, hiding out in her new home


“Stevie Nicks and our Mom are getting along grea!! They are truly a good match and keep each other company. She has been renamed Janie in honor of our Grandma Jane.

While it has taken a little time to acclimate, and she does hide from new people until she knows them, she is doing really well. She has found her favorite sleeping spots, enjoys free roaming her new home, soaks in all the love, and spends a lot of time playing with her abundance of toys 😀.

Thank you for all you do!!”

– Bessie S.

Hopper the dog and his new person Jen


Oh, the Hopper!!

We loved this guy. He was so easy to make friends with, we were surprised to see him here for several weeks without finding his right person. We just didn’t know he was really waiting for Jen…(an old friend of the animal shelter).

Congratulations, Jen and Hopper!!

Moe Moe and Harpo the kittens on their way home


“We are so so happy to have Moe Moe and Harpo in our family. 🙂 I love supporting you guys so much.”


Kyler the dog in his new home


“Kyler is doing amazing in his new home!! He is being a real dog!!! He potties outside, hangs out with his brother and gets so spoiled. He likes all toys but squishmallows are his favorite (I raised him well). He is getting use to sounds around him but he has a nice little cave under his mom’s bed when things get too scary. Kyler has made a bunch of new people friends and says they aren’t scary… he is nice and safe in his new home ❤️”

Bruce the pittie enjoying his new home


“Just wanted to send you guys some photos of him 🙂 he’s truly the sweetest nicest little chunk. I’m so happy we have him”


Selene the dog and her new owner Spencer


Selene is doing great in her new home! She has acreage to roam and an incredible adopter who makes sure she isn’t getting into too much mischief…

Originally brought to us from an animal shelter in Stockton, Selene was in a shelter for the better part of a year. She had an old injury that required an amputation. After we performed the surgery, she was off ripping and running like her formal self. If there is a Malamute that can roll with the Huskies, it’s this girl; she’s got it!!

Congratulations, Selene and Spencer!!

Cookie the dog recovering from surgery, and sunbathing in her new home


Meet Cookie, the 9-year-old sweetheart who stole our hearts at HSSC’s Community Vet Clinic! Cookie came to us from our friends at Pets Lifeline for a mass removal and dental exam. She even made a special appearance at our Veterinary Medicine Camp, where she patiently allowed campers to examine her teeth and learn about dental health!

While in our care, Cookie underwent successful surgeries to remove a low-grade mast cell tumor on her left forearm and repair of an oronasal fistula plus extraction of nine diseased teeth. Her remaining teeth were scaled and polished, leaving Cookie with a sparkling smile!

While she healed, Cookie became a beloved presence at our clinic, often found at the front desk in a cozy sling, soaking up all the love. Soon it was time for her to return to Pets Lifeline, so we all bid her a fond farewell.

We’re thrilled to share that Cookie has been adopted and continues to be the spoiled princess she deserves to be!

Juniper the cat lounging on his ball of string, and Juniper with his sister Isabelle


“Just saw your requests for ‘happy tail’ updates and thought it would be fun to share.

“My boyfriend and I adopted Juniper (then Clark Gable) in August of 2019. He was described as a shy kitty, but soon as we sat down in his room at the Santa Rosa shelter this handsome little fellow climbed right into my lap and we knew he would be going home with us.

Juni is still shy around strangers, but is usually a happy and confident little dude zooming up and down the stairs, sleeping on our legs at night, and leaving fishy toys and corks all over the house. He just turned 7 years old this month, and last year he gained a new floofy senior sister Isabelle.”


Dean the cat


Dean, our longest resident at over 180 days with us, was finally adopted to the perfect person! Not only that but our 2nd longest resident, Mr. Rogers, who is also a senior and special needs was adopted as well!

Dean’s adopter originally called interested in meeting Mr. Rogers and mentioned she loves Siamese cats. I told her that we have another Siamese cat who is the sweetest guy named Dean. To my delight and surprise, she wasn’t put off by his blindness, but actually was more interested because she has a soft spot for disabled cats! She told me that she has a super senior Siamese at home with her own set of special needs. Minutes later after I ended the call, a lady who had been in every week for a month to meet with Mr. Rogers came in to let us know that today was the day she wanted to go home with him.

An hour later Dean’s caller arrived from all the way in Sausalito and I let her know Mr. Rogers was officially adopted but she could still meet with Dean. Within two minutes Dean was in her lap 🙂 I watched from the front desk as she fell totally in love with him, and she told me through the door that he had chosen her. It truly seemed as if it was meant to be for both of them! All these little puzzle pieces fell together today in the loveliest way, and we truly hope that everything goes perfectly for Dean, Mr. Rogers, and their new moms.

Porkchop the dog


“Hi friends!

I hope you are all well ☺️ Porky wanted me to reach out and share a few pictures with you guys from his first few weeks at his new forever home.

He wanted me to tell you that he’s made himself at home and is absolutely THRIVING here in the good ol’ Harvest Park. He loves hanging out with mom all day while she works crazy long hours. Dad’s finally back at work, and sometimes if mom goes into the office, he gets the apartment to himself for a few hours and he’s incredibly proud to tell you that he’s beginning to enjoy his ~alone time~!!!! He probably wishes he had more of it because his parents are obsessed with him and give him endless amounts of love and attention but thankfully he tolerates us 😉

We’re currently working on adjusting to the gentle leader harness, and while we don’t love it, we’re getting pretty good at wearing it!

Lastly, porky really wanted me to tell you that he lost a few pounds and has really been ~feelin himself ~ lately! We transitioned foods and are now strictly eating Freshpet Grain Free food twice a day and are taking a super healthy multivitamin 😊 we go on lots of walks and while we still don’t love other canines, the gentle leader has been a very helpful tool!

Thank you for introducing Matthew and I to the greatest creature on the planet. We love him so much and from going thru his records, it warms our hearts to see how well he’s been taken care of. We know he’s had a rough life, but rest assured, he’s living in luxury now. Will try to stop by soon! 🥰🐶”

-Rachel, Matt & Porky

Jim Halpurrt the cat with his new owner


“Good afternoon!

We wanted to share an update on sweet Jim Halpurrt! What a special surprise to have found just the perfect cat for our family. He was obviously so shy when we met him, but in the three weeks since we’ve brought him home he has quickly come out of his shell and made himself a beautiful part of our family. We thought it would take a lot longer for him to feel safe and secure here, and we were ready to be patient while he adjusted – we didn’t have to wait long!

He’s been loving sitting by the window, cuddling on the couch, going to bed with us in the evenings, and playing every chance he gets. His favorite person might be our 7-year old son, who loves to spend lots of time with Jim in the early mornings before the rest of the house awakes. It’s been said many times recently, but he seems to be our “perfect cat”.

It was important for us to find the right cat for our family – we all agreed we wanted (as our son would say) “a cuddly and playful cat that wouldn’t run away from us or visitors”. It felt like we took a slight risk in adopting Jim since he was so shy – we weren’t sure exactly what his personality would look like. We truly trusted his bio provided by your staff, which said, “give Jim a little patience, an easygoing home, and you’ll find him flopping into your hands for all the scritches and cuddles you can offer.” And that’s exactly what happened! Thanks for everything, we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him join our family!”


Capri Sun the dog


Capri Sun is settling in great with her new family! She loves her new doggie buddy, and her owners are very happy with her 🙂

Etch-a-sketch the kitten, now Stretch


“We recently adopted “Etch-a-Sketch” the cat. I have renamed him “Stretch”. We’re so very delighted with him. He even gets along with our dog — well, he bosses the dog around, LOL. We’re all getting along great, and you seriously helped us find the exact type of cat we were looking for. So thank you very much for your services!”

Honey Sunny the kitten


“Thank you and everyone at The Humane Society of Santa Rosa for our beautiful new kitten and family member!”

-Demetra & David

Squishmallow the dog, now called Jack


“My partner, Steve, and I adopted Squish (now Jack) in November. We’ve taken him on hikes, runs, to the beach, park hangouts and even on errands- he pretty much goes everywhere with us! He’s been settling in well and learning lots of new tricks. I’m constantly blown away by how sweet, goofy, and intelligent this boy is! Thank you again for helping to bring him into our lives. He’s only been with us a few months but it’s hard to remember life before him.”

-Zoë, Steve, & Jack

Randy the dog, now Cooper


“We rescued Randy, now Cooper, from the Humane Society in February 🙂 He’s the best little dog and settled in with us immediately (which is not surprising now, because he loves EVERYONE). He loves going to the dog park, playing fetch, and running around as much as he can. We love him so much and are so lucky to have gotten him! It’s crazy to see what he looked like when the Sonoma County Animal Services picked him up (so scraggly and matted, never been groomed), to when we adopted him (a bit skinny and basically hairless), to now (gained some weight and grew some hair). He’s doing so well!”

-Melissa H.

Felt the dog and his new owners


Our boy Felt was adopted today! Elizabeth had recently lost her dog, and came in looking for a new companion to spend her time with. Felt had arrived at HSSC from San Francisco in November 2023 with a badly fractured right rear leg which required amputation. After Felt was all healed up, he spent quite a while waiting for his forever home, and became a staff and volunteer favorite (of course) His wait ended today and Felt is off to be spoiled and cared for by Elizabeth.

Happy trails Felt! ❤️

Coleslaw, now Macchiato, with her new owner


“Coleslaw (soon to be Macchiato) came home with me today and I am OVER the moon in LOVE!! THANK YOU!!!!”


Coco the dog


“We love little miss Coco so much! She’s the perfect dog for our family. She spends all day, everyday with us as our little sidekick. Thanks for making it happen!”

– April

Jasper the cat


Sweet boy Jasper taking in the views from his lovely new home ❤

Penny the dog


“Hello! It has officially been one year since I adopted Penny from your facility and I wanted to send some pictures for anyone that remembers her! Shes doing very well and enjoying trying to be a lap dog and screaming at squirrels 😂”


Splash the dog with his new owners


After 9 months here and only, 26 days away from being in the shelter system for a year, Splash is home! He has a wonderful Shepard experienced family with land for him. Most importantly a pool all for him!! Splash is going to be spoiled forever.
Could not be happier for the worlds best dog ❤️

Cuddlebug the dog and his new owner


After 142 days Cuddlebug has been adopted!!! We have no idea how he was here for that long, he is perfect! His new dad came in for another dog but then after seeing Bug on top of his throne (crate) he fell in love. Cuddlebug will be so spoiled and loved in his new home!

Alice, now Daisy, with new friend Rocky


When our colleagues at Stanislaus called to ask if we could take in another dog, they told us that this particular dog, “Alice”, was a special girl. She’s a beautiful Dobermann, a total sweetheart, a real favorite of all the Stanislaus employees – and despite their best efforts to find her a home, it was simply a matter of timing, and the day had arrived on which she was going to be euthanized for the sake of space.

Our own admissions-hero Kristi sprang into action to make room for Alice right away!! With no time left to spare, we took her in. And luckily for Miss Alice, she only stayed with us for less than a week, before the special day when her new humans walked into the Humane Society… ❤️ Ivory and her partner Dylan had already adopted “Stan” – now renamed Rocky – from us a few years ago, and came in looking to find Rocky a companion. After a wonderful visit with Alice in the yard, this lovely, dog-experienced young couple were ready to take Alice home the same day!

Alice INSTANTLY fell in love with her new dogfriend Rocky on the very first night, and they are now two inseparable peas in a pod! Ivory says the two doggies spend all their time together, from adventures at the beach, to just snuggling on the couch.
And, she says, “the artist formerly known as Alice” is now named Daisy! 🌸

Whopper the cat


“After seeing another fellow gray cat adoption story update, I wanted to share Whopper’s update. We adopted him from the Santa Rosa location in July. It actually took us two trips to the shelter to decide on Whopper. The first time we didn’t get to see him through the window but we were a little hesitant to approach the staff to ask to see him. The second time we visited we wanted to see the elusive Whopper and we got to spend time with him in his room where he immediately opened up to us and was purring! We instantly felt in love.

He’s still a big boy even after losing a few pounds but has learned his meal schedule to the T (he waits next to his automated feeder an hour before it goes off!) He is so lovable too. He enjoys lounging with us as we wind down to watch our favorite TV shows.”

-Joy and Hunter

Bread the dog with his new owner


In May of 2023, we received a transfer from Solano County and in that transfer was a fearful cream-colored chi x named Bread. Upon arrival, Bread was wary of any and all strangers due to previous abuse. During his stay at HSSC, he would intensely bark and lunge at prospective human friends. Over the next few weeks, he continued to display reactivity with dogs, stranger danger, and handling sensitivities. He created a tight circle of friends who were able to take him on walks and have play time in the yards. He had been in our care for about 150 days when we decided to do a name change. Skittle would be his new name. Hard on the outside, sweet and soft on the inside; just like the tangy, mouth-watering candy. Skittle had many adoption interests but his fear of strangers made it difficult for people to bond with him. Months and months went by until finally, a wonderful human named Tristen peeked into his room and it was ❤️ at first sight. Well.. not at first. Skittle was unsure about this new human 👀.
Tristen was so ready to take on the challenge; he was super eager to win over Skittle’s love and heart. The first meeting went great! The second not so much, so we started again. Tristen came back every single day at the same time. Seeing Tristen became the staff’s favorite part of the day. The joy he brought to us; we knew Skittle would be loved unconditionally. After about 10 meetings, Skittle finally accepted the adoption!! He went home with Tristen and instantly became a lap dog. Skittle quickly learned that he would become very spoiled knowing his dad made buttered scrambled eggs just for him every time he came to visit 🙂. Skittle loves to ride in his dad’s big red truck all around West County. Skittle’s dad gives us weekly updates and even brings the candy boy by the shelter to say hi! He is truly living the dream with his best friend. Happy tails. ✨🍡

Miles the dog riding in his car


“Miles is really enjoying his new home. Thank you for everything. 🐶💜”


Milli Vanilli with her new family


“Blame It On The Rain..”
In late August of this year, Hurricane Hillary threatened to touch down in Orange County CA. As a precaution, one of O.C. animal shelters transferred their animals into our care. During Milli Vanilli’s stay with us, we found she LOVES kids and wants to be a nanny. I think we found her a perfect home; she gets to be with a loving family, with children.
“Girl, you know it’s true, I’m in love with you”…❤️ We LOVE YOU, Millie!!

Topanga, now Nina the dog


“I truly lucked-out with her! Her original name was Topanga. She’s filled my life with so much joy & I only hope I’ve done the same for her. Shes extremely friendly and just wants to play with everyone and everything!”

– Esmeralda

Link and Zelda the cats, sunbathing in their new home


“I thought I’d send a quick note and let you know how well we’re all doing here. The kittens (I call them the Wobble Twins) are terrific! They chase each other through the house, play with their tunnel and crate, and of course are excellent cuddlers! They both love chasing the fancy wand toy we got, and Smitty loves chasing springs while Roy Kent loves his ping pong balls. 😊 They definitely have their distinct personalities and are still super connected to each other, though plenty confident to do their own thing…having them keep me company has been so so wonderful. They bring so much joy. I’m so grateful. Thank you to all of you for everything you do!”


Jabba the kitten with Freya, her new owner


One of Freya’s biggest dreams was to adopt a kitten. After a little bit of negotiation, her parents agreed to come down to the shelter and see if there was anyone who would be a good fit with her family. After visiting with some good candidates, they finally found Jabba (one of our “Star Wars litter” kittens). Jabba really turned on the charm (he really liked Freya and her parents) and in no time Freya and Jabba were inseparable. Adoption was in order…From crime boss of the known universe to sweet and docile pussy cat, Jabba has come a long way…A New Hope.

May the Force be with you, Freya

Orson, now Rags the cat


“Hello! I wanted to send you a couple of photos of our happy adoption story. We adopted Rags on January 13 and renamed him Orson (after Orson Welles, and the name means bear since he looks like a polar bear). He has become a special part of our family and household. A snuggle bug by nature, Orson’s favorite spot to sleep is on top of us. He goes into long trances kneading affectionately with his big mittens, eats with gusto, plays like a tiger with a rainbow wand toy, and vocalizes often (all sorts of meows, snores, grunts, humming, and coos). He’s FIV+ and thus indoor-only — so he is making our home his kingdom. We love our big furry snowman.❤️🦁”


Kiki the cat with her new owner


Kiki’s story with us starts by her being brought in to the SR shelter after her owners left her behind when they moved🙁. Kiki is a special gal; very loving but on her own terms. A few weeks after being brought in, she was adopted. Unfortunately, that adoption didn’t work out and she was brought back to the shelter after only a couple weeks. Again, Kiki waited for her day to come. That day came again almost two months later. Again, unfortunately, that didn’t work out either. So, Kiki made her way back to HSSC once more, but this time in HBG. Kiki took some time to settle in, but ultimately her personality began to shine slowly, but surely. She waited here patiently to meet her furever person, but wasn’t getting many bites. Then one day, in walks Cherish. She was looking for a kitten or a cat. It had been a while since she owned a kitty and was missing the love of a little shadow. Cherish met with some of our kittens, but ultimately no one stole her heart. As she was leaving, she saw Kiki. Love at first sight. She loved Kiki’s pattern and her expressive face, so she asked to meet her. I gave her the low-down on our special gal. I explained that Kiki is very loving, but will let you know when she has had enough. She’s slow to adjust, but once she comes out of her shell, she’s got a wonderful personality. Cherish didn’t mind, she adored Kiki no matter what. She explained that she would like to keep coming back to visit with Kiki to make sure they liked each other, and that she did! Cherish came by at least once a week to visit Kiki and to get to know her and build a bond. She started buying her things, scratching posts, a water fountain, beds, you name it. She was SO excited to take her girl home. Well, that day finally came! Kiki and Cherish went home together and it was so heartwarming. Kiki will have a wonderful life with Cherish, her partner and their 13 year old dog (Kiki is certainly confident enough for a dog😉) . We’re very happy for Kiki and Cherish and wish them a life full of happy tails!

Shadow the cat


“So my family and I recently adopted a young male cat from your Santa Rosa location, which we did the last week of November. His name is Shadow. He a beautiful grey male cat, mixed with some russian blue breed. His eyes are gorgeous, and he loves treats and the good food we give him.

We recently went out and purchased a self warming bed for him along with some scratching post toys and a nice cat tower. Now Shadow is acquainted with the other cats and does get along and fit into the home very well, however, he still is some what shy and likes playing hike & seek. He loves laying under our bed, which is where he spends of his time, but he has an amazing purr when he gets rubs and pets, and I love watching him and looking into his eyes.

We thank you guys for allowing us to adopt him, it means all the world to us that he is here with us, and we look forward to him being with us for a long time to come. Thank you.”

-Joseph, Elwana & Jaylee Nixon

The dynamic duo, Duck & Marisol the dogs


Duck and Marisol both had a different start to their journey. Duck was found as a stray, wandering the streets of San Fransisco and Marisol was trapped by an animal control officer in Santa Cruz after she was seen limping in a field. They both found their way to HSSC. After being at our Santa Rosa location for a bit, BnT figured out that both of them could benefit from a friend to boost their confidence. After the doggy version of the bachelor was conducted, Duck and Marisol found each other. Then began many romps around the yard, playful wrestling matches and snuggle puddles between the two of them. After some time at Santa Rosa, they were transferred up here to HBG to get some different eyes on them. While they had plenty of interest because of their adorable-ness, no one was quite the right fit. Both Duck and Marisol needed someone special, someone who understood them and their needs. Cue Cliff and Rose. Cliff had given us a call while Marisol was having a meeting with a promising potential adopter. It ended up not being a good fit for a few reasons, but we now know that was fate. Cliff and his wife Rose came in the very next day to meet the two adorable pals. They were completely respectful and understanding of Duck and Mari, they even had two very similar dogs in the past, both look and personality. They were ready for the challenge! Operation: earn Duck and Marisol’s trust! They came in for a few more visits, asking questions, giving them all the yummy treats, and learning more about them. Each visit they fell in love more. Well, today was finally the day. After stocking up on all the necessary doggy items, Cliff and Rose came in for their final in-shelter visit and left with their furever best friends. We feel so fortunate to have dedicated adopters who are willing to put in the time and effort to get to know these wonderful animals before making that lifelong commitment. We are so happy for Duck, Marisol, Cliff, and Rose and wish them all the best on this new chapter of their lives! The happiest of tails❤️

Nelson the dog with his new owner


After 56 days in our care Nelson has found his way home! He is going to be spoiled!! He has been a fan favorite here and had tons of friends.

Happy tails Nelson!

Tabbytha, the Cat Pawsitive cat, with her new owner


It’s Tabbytha, the Cat Pawsitive Program cat, and her new adopter, Charlie!! 💖 Charlie is very excited to continue with Tabbytha’s clicker training — and Tabbytha is very excited to explore her new house which includes an enclosed catio, scratchers, climbing towers, and lots of cat toys!!

Teeth the dog with his new owners


Our scruffy girl Teeth went from a stray in San Francisco, to an HSSC favorite. Her wiggly cute demeanor made everyone who met her fall instantly in love. The first day she was available, Alana came in looking for sweet little companion and it was of course love at first sight. Teeth now lives with 3 ladies who have the time to give her all the love in the world. Happy trails Teeth!

Legs the dog with his new owners


Legs has found a wonderful home!! Here he is “walking” into his adopter’s heart..❤️

Legs and his adopters needed a little bit of help from our Behavior and Training department with settling into the “home routine”. Once that was done, everything started to fall into place; one step at a time!!

Congratulations, Legs, and family.

Starbuck and his new owner


Starbuck and his adopter stop by every now and again to say hello when they come into town. Starbuck (Battlestar Galactica reference) came into our care from an overcrowded shelter. His adopter fell in love with his great looks and size. Starbuck had a little bit of “stranger danger” when he first arrived. With a little bit of patience and understanding Starbuck and his adopter were best of friends. As you can see by the photo, that friendship blossomed into companionship. ❤️
Starbuck’s adopter is a veteran, so we were able to thank him for his service by waiving Starbuck’s adoption fee.

Count Chocula with his new owners


Sweet Count Chocula came to us from Santa Cruz with 5 siblings. There was much interest in him from the get go, but no one was ever the right fit. Ginger and her daughter came in three weekends in a row looking for the perfect match to go with their young kitty at home. They had met with the cereal litter before, but Chocula was always more towards the back and never came to center stage. Ginger and her family wanted to make sure they made the perfect decision. Many of the kittens they met got adopted in the weeks between visits, but that only helped to solidify the decision for them! Sweet Count Chocula was the last of his litter to stay behind. He was oh so sad those few days he didn’t have his friends, but we are so happy he was able to go to a loving home with another feline friend!

Rolo with his new owner


Rolo, our beautiful and majestic Wolfhound mix, found his forever home. His adopter is a lifelong Wolfhound person who was looking for an older easygoing kind of guy. Look no further than Rolo, he checks off all the boxes.

Congratulations, Kate and Rolo, wishing you many, never-ending adventures!!

Frisky, now Nikki, the cat


“‘Frisky’ is now Nikki & doing SO great, I wanted you to know. She is so smart & loveable! Thank you again for the care you gave her before I could adopt her.”

-Kathy P.

Winnie the dog with her new owner


Winnie is a wire-haired sweetie (my favorite breed). She has a lot of love and a big heart for her size (ten pounds)!! She was originally found wandering around in Santa Rosa. Wander no more. Winnie found Terry, a volunteer here at the shelter, who primarily works with our cats. Terry instantly fell in love with Winnie and crossed over to the dog side of the force.
Congratulations, Terry and Winnie, so happy to help make this love connection!! ❤️🐾😊

Charles in Charge with his new buddy Steve


“I adopted Charles in Charge about a month ago. I am sending pictures! He’s doing well and he’s learning to get along with my other cat, Steve.”


Ajax, now Waffle, with his new family


Our favorite tripod found a home!! An amazing family came in wondering what dog would be good with kids and the world’s best snuggler. Boy, do we have a match! They met Ajax and it was love instantly. He loved helping his new brother play with rocks in the courtyard.

Ajax is going to have a perfect life like he deserves!

Puma, now Luna the cat on his owner's shoulder


Puma, now Luna, appears to be settling in really well. Her new mom, Emely, says she is always climbing under the covers or onto her chest for snuggle time and is a total sweetheart. It seems like Puma/Luna is a happy kitty in her new home! ❤️

Gordon the cat with his new owner


Sweet Gordon the cat was transferred to HSSC from a overcrowded shelter in Stockton, with an ongoing medical need called chronic rhinitis (on going intermittent sinus inflammation). Gordon is known at HSSC as “Mr. Perfect” because of his calm, friendly personality, and lover of attention. Gordon will likely need ongoing medical care from time to time for his condition, and needed an adopter who’s up to the task. His new owner Jorge was super interested in Gordon after seeing him on our website! He came in to visit Gordon, and we knew it was an instant match….when Gordon crawled right into Jorge’s lap!

Faith the guinea pig with her new family


Faith the guinea pig came to us back in April as an owner surrender- in her previous home she had a bunny roommate that she was not terribly fond of and her owner knew she needed better companionship. Faith spent the following months with us gaining confidence, interacting with the kids at summer camp, and making friends with the fellow guinea pigs in our care. She really blossomed during her stay with us and was ready for her next adventure.

Cue Lauren and her sweet little family! They had a lovely young female guinea pig at home who was eager to have another piggy friend, and Lauren had been on the lookout for another single lady. The family made the trip up to Healdsburg and absolutely fell in love with Faith’s gentle demeanor and her love of bell peppers- they knew she would be the perfect fit! Being well-versed in guinea pig care, we knew that Faith had finally found the perfect home ❤️

Blake and Barney with their new owner


Talk about a happy tail!!! These two handsome boys, Blake and Barney, came to us as a transfer from our friends at Solano county in the beginning of June. They spent over 100 days with us here in HBG before finally finding their furever person! Sean came in interested in Blake and Barney specifically. Blake and Barney being 12 years old, didn’t faze Sean one bit! He has traditionally adopted older kitties in the past but had to put a hold on that when they got a dog who had a prey drive. After unfortunately having to say goodbye to said doggy, he was ready for another cat. He checked out our website and was instantly drawn to this handsome pair of brothers. We are so overjoyed to see these handsome men finally find the loving home they deserve!

Oscar the cat with his new owners


Sweet Oscar came to us from our friends at SCAS. He was described as a professional biscuit maker and extremely sweet. They did not exaggerate! He is the sweetest, cuddliest and softest kitty you would ever meet! Kim came in with her daughter to help her find her very first kitty that she could call her own. After meeting with over six different cats, Oscar stole their hearts!

Stacci the dog with her new owner


“Stacci the wonder kid, the best dog ever. I’m soon happy with her. Thank you.”


Brewski with his new family


Our resident wild child love bug Brewski has hit the road with his new family! Brewski was transferred to us from San Francisco Animal Care and Control, when they needed a helping hand. Chris and his daughter Ava were looking for a new buddy to join the family, and Brewski charmed them with his puppy energy and a great game of fetch! Happy trails Brewski!

Marcel the dog


“Marcel is settling in and we love him! He is affectionate, playful, smart, quiet (not a big barker😊), loves people, dogs and children. He is a high energy puppy so he frequents the dog park, doggie daycare, and we go on long walks daily. We have him enrolled in obedience classes so he can learn how to be a good canine citizen. Thank you for all your help and for everything the Sonoma Humane Society does to help animals in need. We are so happy we adopted Marcel.”

-Ruth D.

Shere Khan the cat


Coming from a pretty crummy situation of living with almost 130 other cats, Shere Khan was ready to be king of his own jungle. This strikingly handsome man blossomed in the shelter and became the talkative, boisterous, socialite that we knew he would be- and now all he needed was a home and someone to love on him. Cue Rebecca, her husband, their 14-year-old cat-savvy Labrador, and a huge 3-story home. Rebecca had been looking for another active cat after her beloved (and mischievous) polydactyl kitty passed away, and was immediately drawn to Shere Khan when she saw him on our website. She scheduled a visit and came in as quickly as she could, and it was love at first sight for Shere Khan and Rebecca- he absolutely hammed it up for her in his ward and serenaded her with the very loud song of his people. Rebecca popped out to Target for some last-minute upgrades in kitty supplies (since this big boy would need only the very best) and less than an hour later, our heartthrob Shere Khan was on his was to his forever home ❤️

Bilbo the dog relaxing in the garden


“We haven’t decided on a name just yet, We’re considering; Rooster, Boomer/Boone, Moose or Gunner. One thing is for certain- we are all in LOVE!!!! The first night baby slept on the porch in his crate with the door open, second night we enjoyed a big dinner (Ribeye, sweet potato, peas, and jasmine rice) and slept inside on our new bed, tonight I presume he’ll be in bed with us! Picking out the movie for the evening. Mavvy is in love, all is right with the world. I look forward to an even better update, but the first 48 are heaven. ❤️ ”

-Kelsey H.

Tully the dog with his new buddy


“My fiancé and I would like to share with you Tully in his new element. He is gradually becoming more comfortable with his new home and our other dog, Lady. The first few nights, he would have to squeak his toy to get all his anxiety out before going to bed. As of now, he no longer does that.

Mornings were tough for him, and he didn’t want to eat much. With our other dog on a raw diet, we’ve switched him to a home cooked dog food that consist of ground turkey, animal organs, fruit, egg whites, and veggies such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and broccoli with added vitamins, collagen, chia seeds, etc. Now, he wakes us up in the morning so he can eat.

We go on daily walks around our neighborhood. At first, he was very scared to walk. He also didn’t like sharing smell spots with our other dog, but he is not glued to her and shadows her. He has also become friends with our neighbor’s Min Pin mix rescue. They share each other’s toys and run around the yard, and bark at the golfers as they come along. We still want to work on his personality as he is shy with meeting new people and other pets. We would also love to learn how to get him to use the doggy door. Next month, we are taking him on a plane to visit my home. Once we have photos of that trip, we will be happy to send you more.

Again, thank you for working with us. Tully has become a family member, and we hope to give him a better life. We now have our fur daughter and son. And maybe my new dog caddy for golfing.”

-Jasmin F

Pepsi the dog


This little long-haired girl arrived with two other girls, Squirt and Sundrop, in May of this year from Stockton. All of the soda girls were very shy, so we decided to add a boy into the mix. All three girls were ecstatic, immediately growing confidence; wiggly butts and all. She was soon adopted a few weeks later by a family with good intentions but sadly was too timid and fragile for their liking/experience and she was returned. By this time, all members of the harem found their forever homes and she was all alone.

A few months later, a couple approached HSSC after seeing Pepsi’s name on the website. They were in the area visiting the memorial site of a family member whose favorite drink was pepsi. During the initial visit, she hid behind me trembling, though softly wagging her tail. She was unsure of these strangers but after a few attempts of chicken feeding she grew a little more confident and tip-toed closer towards the nice lady. They were concerned of her low self -esteem but I expressed to them her fear of the shelter and to give her a little time in the home to warm up. If it wasn’t for her name and their love, she may have never been scooped up by Cris and Tim.

Since her adoption, Chris and Tim have had no issues. She’s met grandparents and eaten out at outdoor cafes. They took her shopping at the feed store and she rode in the cart (on her princess pillow) and wagged her tail at anyone who looked at her. She prances all over the house with her tail wagging and ears perked up. She loves to pounce and play with little sticks that she finds, and shakes them, then has little puppy fits and runs around in circles. She also loves fetch, attacking blankets and hogging the bed. While mom works, she takes power naps, usually in some state of being upside down. Her mom has expressed to me they are so happy they took a chance with this little hairy girl and that she has a personality ten times her size!! Who knew?
Happy Tails. ❤️

Bobby Flay the cat


Bobby Flay first came to us back in April as part of a large group of cats who had been left in crates in front of Solano County Animal Services- they all were scared, shy, and had no idea what was going on. Solano took excellent care of them and then sent 14 of them us! It took a little while for the kitties to let their individual personalities shine, but after a little while Bobby Flay became the loving, funny boy we grew to know. Bobby Flay was adopted in late May by a wonderful young man, but unfortunately after a few months Bobby was returned to us after his owner’s health declined. After growing used to his home and owner, being returned to the shelter took a big toll on mister Bobby Flay. He was not interested in eating, playing, or doing much other than hiding under a blanket in his carrier, hissing whenever someone would approach. Slowly, with lots of love and patience, Bobby started to become less stressed and began showing interest in being with people again. Along came a happy couple looking for an adult cat, preferably a black kitty who was loving but independent, and we knew Bobby Flay would be the perfect fit. After a very nice visit, they knew that Bobby would blossom at home and they wanted to be the loving family he so desperately needed. They made sure they had all of the necessary supplies to make Bobby as comfortable as possible in his new home, and then the three of them were on their way! ❤️

Beau the dog relaxing with his owner at a sidewalk cafe


Beau came back into our care in not the best shape. He was 20 pounds underweight and a horrible ear infection. Our amazing shelter med team took the best care of him and nursed him back to health. Every day he got better, he showed us more and more of his wonderful personality. An amazing family came in looking for a sweet medium sized dog that’s good with kids and dogs. Beau was nowhere near medium with those lanky legs but his charm won them over. Don and Margo took the night to think about it since he was a smidge bigger then planned. Margo had dreams about Beau and couldn’t stop thinking about him! They agreed Beau was the perfect boy for them. Margo came in first thing the next day and took the world’s best boy home! It’s so amazing to see this big guy living the dream.

“We are having so much fun with this amazing giant sweet guy. Don decided he wants to be a Charlie and he’s getting used to hearing his new name. Multiple dog walks with other dog buddies, a home style bath with 5 & 1 dog shampoo, nail appointment, dog park outing, meet and greet with Ro the deaf boxer across the street. Hard to say which one of us is happier! I will be bugging you with more updates!”


Lottie the cat


Hi! I am Lottie.

It’s hard for me to believe that it has only been a year since I was found in a field in West Sacramento. I was hungry, thirsty and in a lot of pain. I am not sure how long I had been lost when an officer came out of nowhere and trapped me. I was terrified and confused. I fought hard and tried to escape but couldn’t. I am happy I didn’t. The HSSC Intake Department had organized and confirmed my rescue and transportation. When I became a little stronger, I made the trip.

I was diagnosed with five medical conditions and assessed with two behavioral issues. My treatment and convalescence were long and challenging, but the kindness, care and compassion of everyone at HSSC made this difficult time less stressful for me and taught me to trust and believe in humans again.

Fast forward to today, I have been very fortunate to have gotten the best adoptive parents anyone could wish for. They are affectionate and nurturing as well as very patient with me. I love to wait for them at the window. When they are home, they play with me and feed me delicious food and treats. Everyone who knows me can’t get over how regal, beautiful and healthy I look nor how smiley and poised I have become.

Thank you all for everything you do!

Miss Betty the dog


Miss Betty was a scared shut down dog from Contra Costa Animal Services. She was unable to walk around the shelter there. She was transferred to us and we noticed having another dog around totally changed her. A couple days later she went to foster, and after about a month she started to be a real dog. She could go on hikes, jump in and out of the car, and being able to walk in and out of door with no issues!

On a potty break/playtime with her foster brother a really nice couple pulled up. They came over to the agility yard and Betty ran over to greet them. We talked about Betty and did a real meeting with her; she didn’t even need another dog to help. She was finally shining on her own. Louie and Laura have a pitbull mix named Ginger who needed a little sister. Ginger is confident, sweet and super playful. Just the big sister figure Betty needed to look up to. It was instant love connection with the two. Betty went home that day! She is living a wonderful life with her new family and is finally being the big brave girl we knew was in her.

Mando the dog with his new owners


We rescued Mando from an animal shelter in the Central Valley…His time was up.
Mando’s adopter volunteered at an animal shelter on the East Coast for many years. Underappreciated pitties are his favorite kind of dog. When he visited Mando, he knew he couldn’t walk away. Needless to say, they walked away as a family of three!!
Happy tails!!

Geraldine the cat with her new owner


Hope Rambo is a lovely woman who had been coming by the shelter in hopes of finding her new purr-y friend. She was looking for a sweet cat that wouldn’t mind just hanging out and Geraldine checked all her boxes! The two hit it off instantly and Hope came in to adopt as soon as possible! Happy tails for the happy pair!

Jeggs the cat with his new owners


Jo Ann and Patrick came into our shelter looking for a special cat to bond with and give their unconditional love to. Jeggs caught Jo Ann’s eye and after hearing about this sweet mama cat’s past, she immediately fell in love. Jo Anna and Patrick visited with her 2 days back-to-back before deciding to take her home. Happy tails to this sweet trio!

Winston the cat


“Winston has really made himself at home here. He has fully explored our house, and for the last couple of weeks has settled into a daily routine. This involves awakening me with burbles right on time each morning, regular lap and play time, window sentry duty, rocketing about, complaining loudly (about an empty bowl or not being allowed outside), and a lot of nap time. He is very affectionate, loves having us lie on the floor so he can tromp and stretch out on us, and is quite vocal in letting us know what he thinks. He is very smart, and quickly learned the rules and routine here, though he finds it hard to be denied the outdoor adventures he was allowed at his previous home.

We are so happy to have him, as he suits us perfectly!”


Oreo and Tiramisu with their new family


This sweet family came in saying that they’ve never had guinea pigs, but they had been researching them for a long time and it was finally time to add some to their family. They immediately fell in love with Oreo and Tiramisu. The kids saved up as much money as they could to pay for the food, supplies and adoption fees! They are so excited to start their journey with their new piggies, they could barely contain it! I’m very happy for this family and wish them the best!