Hello! My name is Tiger and I’m a ~79lb, pit bull mix. The rescue I’m from thinks I’m eight or a bit older—but you wouldn’t believe how spry I am! I love walks, car rides, kayaking and exploring. A crowd will make me nervous, but circle me around your friends and family and I’ll be sure to lean on them with the biggest smile. I’m all about greeting and snuggling the nearest humans, but I need time to warm up to other dogs. Cats, unfamiliar dogs and other critters bring out my urge to chase, so I’m not an off-leash kind of mutt. My owner has developed a disability and doesn’t want me to miss out an a better life with a more able-bodied family, but she knows how much of a keeper I’ll always be! Contact: ashley@culvertime.com or (707) 480-3260.

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