HSSC In the News
Thank you for the shout out! 30 Favorite Dog-Friendly Wineries in Sonoma County – Sonoma Magazine
Beyond the Pet Food Pantry, Jorge Delgado and Cel Jimenez, HSSC — Cal4All Call
Pets Parade Their People for Howl-O-Ween The Healdsburg Tribune Oct. 23, 2024
Each year, the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) recognizes veterinary professionals who have made significant contributions to the profession. We are so proud to share that our very own Melina Stambolis has received the prestigious Linda Markland Outstanding RVT of the Year in Non-Private Practice Award! Melina is an integral force in our veterinary programs. As our Veterinary Operations Supervisor, she brings a high standard of excellence and dedication to the role. From teaching novice vet techs critical techniques to ensuring that all of our clinics are functioning smoothly and efficiently, Melina’s endless compassion, grace, and skill inspire us all! Please join us in giving Melina a big round of applause. Congratulations!
“Congratulations to the 2024 Award Winners” | California Veterinary Medical Association (cvma.net)
Last month, our Executive Director, Lindsay McCall and our Community Initiatives Coordinator, Celestino “Cel” Jimenez, attended the Best Friends Animal Society conference in Orlando, Florida!
This incredible event brought together passionate animal lovers and welfare professionals to discuss the latest actionable tools and data-driven techniques to help everyone in our field achieve and sustain our common goal: save more animals.
Lindsay and Cel shared insights from our Community Action Team and were the only ones to present in both English and Spanish! We are so proud of them and our entire team for their dedication to inclusivity and their commitment to kindness and learning new ways to increase live outcomes, reduce intake, and advocate for change in our industry by demonstrating success in our own community.
Cel had this to say about presenting at the conference: “Attending the conference was incredibly meaningful to me. Seeing the great turnout at our breakout session and the positive reactions from the crowd was amazing. People came up to us afterward, either to commend our work or to ask how they could start similar programs in their communities. It was an amazing and humbling experience, and it makes me very happy to be working in animal welfare. I’m also very proud of us for being the only ones to have a bilingual presentation.”
We are proud to share that our very own Meagan Cirivello has been selected as one of North Bay Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 for 2024 – an award that recognizes the most outstanding young business and community leaders in the North Bay! Meagan is a progressive voice in animal welfare and is helping our organization, our community and our industry reshape the way we think about animal sheltering. As our Director of Shelter Initiatives, Meagan has been instrumental in developing our Community Action Team (C.A.T.) in response to the growing need from our community’s pet guardians who are experiencing financial challenges and other crises and need a little help caring for their beloved pets. She has been a key force in expanding HSSC’s safety net programs, including bolstering and mobilizing our pet food and supply pantries, free pet vaccine clinics and other resources, so we can better reach the need where it exists in our community. Her commitment to breaking down barriers is helping us improve access to resources for anyone who needs them, when they need them. Thanks to Meagan’s vision and hard work, HSSC is efficiently assisting our community through direct services, as well as building partnerships that raise awareness and create a culture of compassion and equity in our community – for the animals and for the people who love them! Congratulations Meagan!!
We are proud of HSSC’s very own Executive Director Lindsay McCall, Dr. Ada Norris and Melina Stambolis for presenting at the first annual Access to Veterinary Care conference held by the ASPCA! Speaking alongside co-presenters on the panel, “Sheltering Organizations Increasing Access to Veterinary Care”, Lindsay, Ada and Melina discussed HSSC’s approach to providing safety net veterinary care to our local community through our Community Veterinary Clinic and Spay/Neuter Clinic. Thank you to the ASPCA for inviting us to take part in this exciting opportunity!
Lindsay McCall has been selected as one of North Bay Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 for 2022
Purr-fect Pairing: Cats and Wineries Create ‘Win-Win Situation’
Animal lovers come together to raise money for the Humane Society of Sonoma County
Helping where it’s needed most: CVM alumna runs urgent care clinic for low-income families
Sonoma Magazine, 4/20/20: Shelter in Place Order Spurs Increase in Local Pet Adoptions
Santa Rosa’s Humane Society to provide affordable pet care with new Community Veterinary Clinic
Humane Society of Sonoma County’s secret weapon: pet bios
7 Charities Helping Victims of Recent Disasters
Pets And People Are Joyously Reuniting After California Wildfires
Displaced Sonoma County residents keep up search for animals lost in fires
North Bay pets fill animal shelters
Rescuing animals across fire lines, inside shelters
More than 100 pets still at shelters after North Bay wildfires
5 heartwarming stories of pets who survived the deadly California fires
Missing cats after North Bay fires found, up for adoption
Amid Sonoma’s ashes, family is overjoyed to find their dog Izzy — alive, well and wagging her tail
Sonoma Humane Society opens free wellness clinic, urges reporting of lost and found pets
Sonoma Humane Society offering free, basic, burn care for pets
Humane society looks to help cat with singed whiskers, other pets lost in North Bay fires
For some, this holiday is all about the Easter Bunny
Member Spotlight: Sonoma Humane Society
Healdsburg Center for Animals Begins a New Life
True Love: Adopt a special-needs pet from Sonoma Humane Society
Sonoma Humane Society Announces Executive Director
Sonoma Humane Society aims to open new Healdsburg animal shelter by spring
Karmann Ghia Does Good for Homeless Animals
Princess Fiona Huffington Post
Good News for Healdsburg Animal Shelter
Lapphund Rescue Press Democrat
Landmark Agreement Brings Hope and Second Chances to County Animals
Best Sonoma County Non-Profit 2013 Press Democrat
Press Releases
Humane Society of Sonoma County Expanding Safety Net Services to Support Local Pet Guardians
Senior Dogs at the Humane Society of Sonoma County’s Community Veterinary Clinic Fetch Grant
PetSmart Charities Grant Improves Access to Veterinary Care
Sonoma Humane Society Announces Executive Director
North Bay No-Kill Shelters Save Shelter Pets Displaced by Rocky Fire
Healdsburg Center for Animals Begins a New Life
Letter to the Editor; Healdsburg Tribune
Sonoma Humane Society aims to open new Healdsburg animal shelter by spring
Sonoma Humane looks to transform ‘complicated’ animal shelter project
Healdsburg animal shelter board dissolves
Sonoma Humane Society to move into Healdsburg Animal Shelter building
Healdsburg Shelter eyes opening after settlement
Two out-of-town animal agencies partner with Healdsburg shelter
Healdsburg council approves animal control, shelter deal
Position Statements
Predator Control Statement Sept 2014
North Bay Pets Magazine
Published twice annually, summer and winter, North Bay Pets showcases our progressive support for pets and people in our community.
2024 January Special Edition eAnimail
2023 Year End Wrap Up eAnimail
2021 July WWW Gala Provisioners
2020 December Giving Tribute Tuesday Thank You eBlast
2020 December Giving Tribute Tuesday Final Day eBlast
2020 November Giving Tribute Tuesday Launch eBlast
2020 November Giving Tribute Tuesday Teaser eBlast
2020 November Generator Campaign eBlast
2020 August WWW GALAxy Auction Thank You Tally
2020 August WWW GALAxy Thank You eBlast
2020 August WWW GALAxy eBlast Friday 7th
2020 August WWW GALAxy eBlast Wednesday 5th
2020 August WWW GALAxy eBlast Monday 3rd
2020 July WWW GALAxy Auction / Event Schedule eBlast
2020 Wags Whiskers & WiFi Auction Preview
2020 May 5 Giving Tuesday Now Thank You
2020 May 5 Giving Tuesday Now Update
Annual Reports
Asilomar Accords
The Asilomar Accords outline principles that guide animal welfare organizations to work together to save the lives of companion animals. Without the Asilomar Accords, definitions and reporting methods varied from group to group, making understanding of information difficult, if not impossible, across organizations. By utilizing a standard language for statistics, shelters and their supporters are able to easily and clearly track progress both at a specific shelter and across shelters nationwide.
Interpreting Asilomar Reports
- Intake: The live animals admitted to a shelter
- All Outcomes: The final disposition of animals admitted to a shelter (adoption, return to owner, transfer, euthanasia, shelter death, etc)
- Euthanasia Outcome: Animals admitted to a shelter who are euthanized
- Live Outcomes: Animals who leave a shelter alive through adoption, return to owner, transfer to another organization for adoption, or any other lifesaving program
- Live-Release Rate: What percentage of animals admitted to the shelter had live outcomes, and therefore were not euthanized
- Live-Release Rate Formula: (All Live Outcomes) Divided by (All Outcomes minus Owner Requested Euthanasias)
- Save-Rate Formula: (Intake minus Euthanasia Outcomes) divided by Intake
The collection and publication of this data is sponsored by Maddie’s Fund® Maddie’s Fund
Financial Reports
Annual Financial Audit 2023/2024
Annual Financial Audit 2022/2023
Annual Financial Audit 2021/2022
Annual Financial Audit 2020/2021
Annual Financial Audit 2019/2020
Annual Financial Audit 2018/2019
Annual Financial Audit 2017/2018